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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by joshua.M

  1. rory i have been planing on going fishin soon i love it, then again, we have a creek going through the back of our property fill of piceral and specal trout Josh
  2. well atleast i wouldnt have to worry about getting deb's name wrong (same as my mom's name) and i think alaska may be fun lol
  3. haha try to convince my parents to let me build a shop lol. i have been contemplating making a small 1 or 2 burner propane forge for smaller jobs. feed corn here is wayyyyyyy expensive because not many people grow it around here. i am planning on university (academic and french immersion courses) Josh
  4. I have gotten some great ideas of what to make on my down time going to pick up steel later today thanks for all the ideas Josh
  5. we do get burn bans in the late summer and fall, its a pain with no shop and a coal forge lol. I am working on a set of guillotine tools with interchangeable dies, dont have the material to make a material rack lol. and be careful, i may want to take you up on that offer lol i need a vacation (never had 1 before) Josh
  6. ahhh let me answer your suggestions lol. 1. I never thaught of the practice making charcoal gotta start scrounging materials to make a inderect cooker 2. I have started making plans for a small railing my aunt wants 3. THE SCRAP PILE HAS A LIFE OF ITS OWN... lol my grandma put out the word that i was a blacksmith and it seemslike every day a new elderly couple is coming to see the 14 year old blacksmith and offer steel that the hd in the old barn... 4. Mark... i wake up at 5 go and feed horses and cows i get in at 6, at 7 i go muck stalls i get in at 1, at 3 i go to work i get home at 7, i go and feed horses and cows and get in at 8 then i have dinner and watch tv then i go to bed at 9:30 5. on days that i dont work i voulenteer at farms around us that are owned by older couples and move hay and clean up around the farms i am one busy 14 year old lol Josh
  7. so, the reason im asking this is because i have no coal (i will be going to get some soon) the question is, what do you do on down time when you cant be forging. i have considered making charcoal but because i am going to get coal soon i figured that i would wait. my shop is clean and organized (it is my only excuse out of house work LOL) so what would you do? Josh
  8. sorry, i was unclear, what i mean it the wat the filing between the eye and blade looks really nice with no fuller in front of the eye Josh
  9. what if, instead of putting somthing between the belt and motor, why not put somthing betweed the power scource and motor, if you wire in a dimmer switch like for a light would that work? i did it with an old electric blower that didnt have variable speeds just a thaught, virtual slap me if im wrong Josh
  10. wow, that hawk has some sweet lines, i especially love the way the socket and blade look like 1 peice. How many have you done before? Josh
  11. VERY NICE! how long before these items have you been forging? Josh
  12. i dont have any pics of the prosess because i still have no coal
  13. if you can put somthing in the hardie hole and press it up against it to weld
  14. to hold it in forge the high carbon peice to a diamond like <> and then clamp it in your vice hot, take a chisle and scarf the edge (cut notches and fold them to the outside) then heat the wrapped peice put the bit in and hit either side, this will set the folded out notches to sink into the body of the axe, then heat and weld there is alot of youtube videos on this topic Josh
  15. I have been thinking about making a knife with asocket handle and have tons of leaf spings, what thickness do you use? i have from 3/16" to 1/2" Josh
  16. the onlytime i ever had anything to do with the handle end of the bat was, i was in the cab and a "freind" swung ***DING*** "AHHHHHHHH BLEEPEDY BLEEPING BLEEP" (broken wrist) i told him it was a stupid plan
  17. i once used a dust mask while forging and it spontaniously combusted when i took a close look at a peice of orange steel, flames on the face are no fun
  18. joshua.M


    you can grind it or re forge it i would suggest grinding it
  19. found coal, gonna go get some in a couple weeks Josh
  20. it had also sat for a litle while because of school so it rusted a litle i also profiled the blade a litle better
  21. it is etched but not in these photos these were right after the handle was put on it. the etch is faint because they both etch light
  22. No, i still have no coal, this knife was forged when i had it, i am forging with raw wood now and the odd bit of charcoal. I am saving to buy a 2 burner diamondback blacksmith propane forge (donations welcome )
  23. it is 3 peices of cable and 15n20 welded inbetween, the cable was welded int solid bars then the center peice was rotated counter clockwise and the 2 outer peices were rotated clockwise, they were wlded into a billet that was rotated counterclockwise lots of welding practice before to get it right lol
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