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I Forge Iron

Larry H

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Status Updates posted by Larry H

  1. stormcrow,...I haven't heard your handle for quite a while, I can't remember from where, but I think you were 18 and just starting out.
    do you remember smithy ? or the keenjunk forum? I was wondering if you own a flatter. Do you? nice to see you kept it up and made some advancements, keep up the good work !

  2. do you know I live on the other side of the country ? 3500 miles away,
    however if you find yourself on the east coast, I would certainly find time to tire you out at the forge if you so desire

  3. Hi Ron, I want you to know I haven't forgotten you. I've been very busy honing my skills. You may interested to know one of the top three galleries in the world is interested in my work. You got in on the ground floor!! Keep your fingers crossed ! !

  4. welcome to ifi, from NY, Fairlawn isn't that far

  5. Hi Bob, my pleasure, thought you might try forging the larger one a little bit to practice a little face work, also a coat of poly when you're done wouldn't hurt

  6. where were those pics taken? , i am needing a place to heat and beat a large piece for a sculpture. welcome to the forum,...do you do hand work?

  7. so wasup noob where in manhattan r u ?,...do you have a name?. what level of tutelage do you possess?.

  8. hey Bob,...hows the project coming?

  9. welcome to the fold Jeremy, you get to be a blacksmith the same way you get to Carnegie Hall,..practice, practice.......practice .

  10. I don't know what happened, But I got the boot from the chat even with your help, guess I'm not politically correct enough. Nice talking to you

  11. hi steven, where in upstate ny are you? I'm in campbell hall near goshen, Have you been to Northeast blacksmiths, or are you closer to NYDB?

  12. Hello Sask Mark I have made many small bugs I hold the legs on by making hack saw cuts underneath, fit a piece of wire into the slot then peen over with a punch, pinching the wire into the slot. Try it, it works pretty good for me

  13. Happy holiday, to you and yours. I still have an unmailed box in the back seat of my truck, sorry about that. I'm taking the week off and i'll try to get to the P.O. during the week How did your face project turn out? Its not as easy as it looks is it ?

  14. well I don't know what happened but I lost the pic with the note of whats new, something is screwy with this new unit, plus the chat room doesn't like me,.....never mind.....don't get me started

  15. thanks for the feed back, I was going to send this face to the abana auction, then I realized the theme was music, so on Friday I made another with music notes over her head. I was thinking about a u tube video covering some of the process, this is just the face, I'm making the whole body, but you need the head to get the proportions right

  16. I can see the whole process, just like I did it myself, great feather

  17. Another swede? welcome brother, what kind of smithing do you do?

  18. Hi, what you want is child's play, I even possess the 1/2" wrought iron , although I have to check on the amt. I can also age steel to look 100 yrs old. And I'm a retired farrier.
    E-mail me At larry@nyblacksmith.com.

  19. Hey Dick B, Its Larry, I'm off this week and the weather is bad

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