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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. From another thread copied to here.


     I made videos of my anvil projects and I hope you can improve on my ideas. I am no professional metal worker, I am just an hobbyist. 





    The method I prefer to harden the working surfaces of my anvils is by applying a layer of hardfacing rod. It is simple, it is fast and it is not going to detach itself from the anvil main body. Since you have a top plate mild steel, you can apply directly the hardfacing layer.  I also think that mild steel body anvil + hardfacing make the most robust anvils you can homemade. If you get a dent on the surface or something brakes, you can always grind the damaged area and re-weld it.

  2. Look at the specs for the plasma cutter you are considering.  It will require x amount of cubic feet of air at XX psi. You have to reduce the psi to zero pressure to get the true amount of ambient air required.

    Purchase a fire extinguisher before you get the plasma cutter.  The shower of sparks from the plasma cutter is an ignition point for anything combustible in the area. 

    The lawn mower, and the spare gas can for the mower, are containers of gasoline.  They should NOT be anywhere near sources of sparks from the plasma, ox/ac, chop saw, forge, etc.  If you have to ask how far away is safe, it is not far enough.

  3. Plasma cutters use compressed air to clean out the kerf.  This produces a LOT of bad air and the kerf is now fine particles of metal and debris.  Plasma cut outside during the winter and look at the snow when your finished.  It is gray and over a large area.

    The plasma cutter vaporizes any coating that was on the metal adding to the contamination.

    You must do research to find the hazards involved in what you are doing, and how to avoid them.  

  4. 2 hours ago, USANewbie said:

    I need to get a  respirator or mask, I was grinding paint and metal today, as well as cutting with the chop saw and breathed in a lot of abrasive dust and paint.

    The respirator or mask is only one level of protection.  Get a box type window fan and blow air across your body shoulder to shoulder to remove the abrasive dust, paint and debris. 

    Do a little research and find out what is in the cuttings, abrasive dust, paint and debris.  If it is lead paint, galvanized, or other coatings, the best option is do not cut or grind as it puts particles into the air.  The particles then settle on everything and are made airborne again with the slightest air movement, such as walking past.

  5. 2 hours ago, USANewbie said:

    i could forge round coil springs square but wouldn't i end up drawing the steel out and make it smaller in diameter?

    Circles have a diameter, squares do not have a diameter.

    By forging round to square, you are changing the shape not the volume.

    Circle vs square.jpg

    The area of the circle outside of the square has to go somewhere so the square gets longer. 

    Circle vs square 2.jpg

    If you are careful you can move the area of the circle outside of the square to form the corners of the square and get the maximum square size for the volume of stock material you have to work with.

    This is where modeling clay answers your questions. 

  6. The Quote Feature. is very useful when two or more conversations are in progress, OR when some time has elapsed and you need reminded as to what your post references. It is not so useful when it repeats what you just read in the previous post.

    When quoting you have the option to edit out all but the reminder of the post you reference. Usually one sentence or phrase is all that is needed to remind us. You can do this by highlighting the text you want to quote and then clicking the "Quote selection" box that will appear.


      On 11/7/2017 at 7:30 PM, Glenn said:
      5 minutes ago, Glenn said:

    The quote feature is very useful, and can be not so useful when it repeats what you just read.

    This would be an example of an edited post. 

    Also, if you are responding to a quote, do not type your answer within that quote. Make it clear who is talking. This is especially important if you are responding to multiple statements or questions in one comment.


    JHCC quoted you from 7 posts back as a reminder to the viewer of what he was referring to in his post. 

  7. Close your eyes and tell me what you see.

    If you prefer life with your eyes open and able to see, then protect your vision.  Use a couple of electric flood lights near the material you are welding to make using a shaded welding lens easier to use.  Or move the project outside so the sun shines on the area you are going to weld.

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