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I Forge Iron

anvil opinions please

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Going to look at this tonight no weight listed or manufacturer, what I  do know approx 10.5 tall 30" long  face 3.75 wide. So that  puts it maybe 180-200lbs if those dimensions are close. Pretty chipped and the heel has been modified  for Horse shoes(clips maybe)? if it is in that weight range it is  priced around $2 per lb + or -. I have a decent 125lb anvil not looking other than why  not  have more anvils and the price is attractive. General opinions would be appreciated . Thanks Chris ok pics dont  work  from my PC I'll try the phone again







Edited by winterbear
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that looks a bit like a hay budden - if its got a nice clean face and throws the hammer back at you like its putting up a fight then sounds like you got a nice seccond anvil coming home with you :)

Just beware of the tool collecting desease... it is incurable :)

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The bulge on the off side of the horn is generaly referd to as a clip horn, used to draw clips on horse shoes. Not sure about the double pritchels, but i suspect the notches are an addition to help square the toe of the heal. Dose good things for horses, but usualy it is done to stop folks with performance horses and arabs from complaining about the clacking noise.

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Just got home, looks like some one welded on the side where a name would be and the front feet for #s figures huh . And the heel was torched for those cut out shapes but doesn't seem worse off from a torch hitting it.  The good is; face is flat, good thick face plate, great rebound, edge chipping isn't to bad. Bottom has a hourglass kinda impression with a handling hole in the center web. I'll get a weight and a couple other pictures after I eat. Thanks guys Chris. 

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