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I Forge Iron

My Anvil Stand

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Lapping to match is as easy as putting some emery cloth between them and a vibrator on them. A small motor with a disk and off center weight works well. Add a little lube so everything moves and you're golden.

Wax paper to bed the anvil and epoxy to glue it down. Either is valid depending on the situation. Breaking the epoxy loose is easy enough, take a torch to the bottom of the stand (assuming it's metal of course) around 350-400f most common epoxies will let go.

If you get fancy and use a phenolic resin or one of the other specials available, good luck getting it loose. Heat shields in the early manned space program were bonded with phenolic resins.

Some folk think I get a little obsessive but I just don't like losing to an inanimate object, machine, critter, etc.


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Got a photo of that setup? Sounds like one heck of an anvil. How heavy is that?

I do plan to clamp down my anvil as well. Current approach is to put wood-blocks with an inverted el-shaped cross section at each end of the anvil stand, such that they lip over the edge of the anvil base. Then I'll run bolts down through the top board of the stand and tighten down (with washers, etc.) Does that make sense? Basically gonna clamp it down with some wood blocks. That was part of the intent of having overhangs on the anvil stand top board. If that doesn't work, I'll look at chains/cable around the anvil base and running down to some turnbuckles and hooks on the sides.


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If that doesn't work, I'll look at chains/cable around the anvil base and running down to some turnbuckles and hooks on the sides.

The turnbuckles work very well. That's how I have mine fastened to a stand very similar to yours. I also put 80 pounds of otherwise worthless old-time window sash weights in it. I wish I'd put 180 in it.

I'll post a picture if you'd like.
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Barnaby, The anvil weighs 134lbs and the base block is 183lbs another 30 for the wood block riser that all sits on to bring it to my working higth I guess that adds up to just shy of 350lbs.
I'll try to get some pictures posted.
Glenn, how does that work to post a picture here?

You know instead of wood I would use a chunk of angle iron for a hold down.
I think if you're going to have a wood stand the chains and turn buckle would be good (or straps and turn buckle) but, if you want to try the inertia block set up like mine the two need to be to be really tight with no chance of loosening up while in use.
My 2cents...
Frosty, I wish you wouldn't encourage my obsessive behaviors (grin)

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Like you'd stop if I shut up?

Like I'd shut up?

At least you aren't obsessive about reality. :P

Click the "Go Advanced" button below the "Quick Reply" text window. Scroll down and click "Manage Attachments" button. Click a "Browse" button and select a pic from your computer, when you have the pics you want, click "Upload".

They'll appear as thumbnail links at the bottom of your post.


Edited by Frosty
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"Ooh Hoo! That's champion, that is!"
THANKS for the instructions Frosty!
I'll try to get a couple of pictures on but, my work week starts Friday (Friday Saturday Sunday, take four days off and repeat!!) (Big Smile)
so they may not get up untill Monday.

One of the worst obsessions I have is having to log on to sites like this every day to see what people are talking about...
The weather is finely getting nice with highs of 35 F and I'll be spending most of my time out in the smithy for the rest of the year. I hate to think about it but I may have to go to a heated shop to get anything done in the winter.

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My pleasure Merl, we like pictures.

My last paycheck job was 4/10s and I really loved getting used to 3 day weekends. Now I'm retired and I don't get any days off at all. That's right kiddies, retirement is 24/7, no breaks, no days off for good behavior, Friday is just another day, it just never ends.

If you'll click "User CP" at the top of your page and edit your profile to show your location I'll know if phrases like, "That's champion!" are from some ferrin country or I get to rib you. . . More. :rolleyes:


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Frosty, I'm from N.E. Wisconsin. That line is from one of my favorite Nick Park claymation movies(Chicken Run) that my kids and I have seen many times.
My family came over from Cornwall in the late 1800's so there was still some conection to the way that phrase sounded "ferrin". Go ahead, rib away...

I'll try to post some pics tomorrow.

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Finely ,here are the pictures I promised.
The first two are my Hay-Bud with the 8x8x10 base block.
The third is my "Ugly Ivan" Russian pattern anvil with the strap and turn buckle setup.




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Chicken Run eh? I can't get much mileage out of watching movies with the kids OR being from Wisconsin. Oh well.

I was referring to putting your location in your profile so us old farts don't have to try to remember who's in the area when we're traveling and want a snack or nap or something.


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