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I Forge Iron



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Just so everyone knows who to blame, a noobie sent me here. Luken. He is my younger brother. I was up north and stopped to see him today. He showed me his forge. I am 36 years old and been married 9 yrs. I have 6 children. 5 girls and one son. I live in The Great Basin or better know as West Central Utah. The boy and I need an excuse to escape into my shop. I am interested in forging knife blades and other tools. I have been building knives buying already finished blades and doing the handles but that is no longer enough, when i started that I lived in a place I couldn't have a shop. I moved and live in a rural area and have a shop( wife's garage taken over;)) I am also a amateur gunsmith. So this place feels like a natrual place to expand my hobbies. I hope my brother gave me good advice to come here and learn.

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Be nice to you little brother even tho he has probably but you on the road to ruin! :) This is an VERY addictive hobby so just be fore warned. Seriously, glad you came aboard. I think it is awesome that you want to include your son in this. and WOW, 5 girls and a boy! cool. Just don't blink...they'll be gone before you know it. Find a group in your area and JOIN!! you can get some hands on experience, advise, tools, etc. from the meetings. Go to [ABANA] The Artist Blacksmith's Association of North America, Inc. and look up the affilliate in your area. We can and will help all we can but the real live time is priceless. There are seveal member here that live in your state, look them up. Once again, welcome.

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