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I Forge Iron

met a smith today

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It's Friday arvo and after a hard week coping with the supposed slowdown I'm driving down the freeway, trying to wind down and put all the bad thoughts aside with some relaxing tunes while at the same time trying to avoid all the maniacs on the road. Next thing I know one of the maniacs is pointing wildly at my vehicle. What's this clown want I think. Suddenly the brain clears and I realise he wants to say g'day and swap a bit of goss about blacksmithing. It was Dale; maniac maybe but still a smithing chum. A few K up the road we pulled over and did just that.

Good to see you again Dale.

And yes I haven't been here for a while but I'm here at the minute. More's the pity though, I probably haven't got any more to offer than when I last visited. The squeeze box has taken a bit of a hold and if I'm at the computer wondering how I can entertain myself I'll drag out a bit of sheet music rather than log on to IFI. But anyway we discussed all that eh!


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