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I Forge Iron

Flat Belt Pulley

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I was just quoted $750 for a new flat belt pulley that runs my Bradley. 

Does anyone have leads on places to buy these that aren't so pricey? They seem harder to come by than I expected. Unfortunately mcmaster doesn't have them big enough.  

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Are we talking about the drive pulley that goes on the motor. If so I made one to run my 30 pound star, but couldn't use it as the mice/pack rats ate the leather belt, so I converted to a V-belt drive. Here is the one I made, laminated wood mounted to an old V-belt pulley turned down on the wood lathe. It could use a bit of a crown to help the belt stay on.




I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus


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Big pulley that looks like a bobbin? For a wide leather belt? If you don't want to convert to a different set of pulleys, I would tend to wonder if you could convert a wheel rim or fabricate something. Might be able to cast one, depending on the size or skills, especially if you have the old one as a pattern.

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My 50lb. Little Giant runs off a pair of V belts. The V belt double pully is on the motor and the belts ride on the flat belt pully. You need to use the belts you can break or splice or you'll have to remove the bearing caps and lift the hammer's shaft to mount the belt.  For any solid belt.

The flat final pully on the hammer is crowned and this seems to keep the V belts centered nicely.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Good Morning,

I converted to 'Tooth Belt' like a timing belt, 1/2" pitch. All sizes of pulleys are available from your local 'Industrial Supplier'. The friction/contact surface is better than 2 V-belts. Yes, we have to lift the shaft to change belts. We lay a spare belt loose, when we replace them. It is not difficult.


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