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  Off topic, but a good way to get rid of screeching bothersome flocks birds like black birds and others that crap all over everything is take a pan and bang on it with a big mixing spoon.  Do it enough and they stay away.  I must say we have feeders and like birds but some birds are too much.


Okay, here's a hack Deb heard about recently. To crack hardboiled eggs, rather than crack it on something like a counter etc. put it in a large coffee mug, cover with your hand and shake it for a bit. The shell will be pretty shattered and all but slide off at once held together by the membrane underneath.

Frosty The Lucky.


Hmmm, sounds like something to remember. How enclosed, how large an area, etc.? Was it too much work scrubbing the bugs off the inside of the enclosed area? Details please?

Frosty The Lucky.


  To make a long story short, in my infinite wisdom, years ago, I tried to get a skunk out from under a mobile home by throwing a bug bomb under it, thinking the fumes would drive it out.  Instead it crawled up into the insulation and died.  It went downhill from there.  I did shut off ignition sources...:)


That would be B A D! I'd probably be tempted to turn on an ignition source and go have coffee till the sirens started passing the cafe. Happily the only skunks up here are scent glandless pets. I did smell a skunk once as it passed the picnic ground on a car.

Frosty The Lucky.


We used to have them die under the house once in awhile down in Texas, armadillos too. One I can tell you from keeping bees is that you don't want to go seal them in or bug bomb them in the walls or attic. If you seal them in, they tend to chew their way out in interesting places, like inside your living room. If you kill them, the honey ferments, sometimes grows mold, and draws bugs that then lay larva in the comb. Think a large stinky wet space in your ceiling that eventually pops open with fermented goop and bug larva dripping everywhere. Call the nice beekeeper in to take down your walls and then get someone to fix it after.


Something similar happened with the skunk.  I figured I drove it out but after a while the smell got worse instead of better, but I kept hoping it would go away.  I only stayed in the mobile home part time, it was on the farm and I stayed in town during the week for work.  Well, it rotted and I had to crawl under there with a garbage bag and pull it out.  In pieces. Along with insulation all over everything.

  • 2 weeks later...

The drain tube was leaking on the floor.  I tore out the trim and headliner and all assorted pieces from the door bottom to the drain hole up top, only to find somebody perviously fixed it with a splice sealed with electrical tape right near the where it goes down the front windshield support thing.  I broke every push in plastic fastener, in the process.   Bad enough they design this stuff not to be worked on, but worse when somebody "fixes" it previously.  It's a Ford Explorer, I suppose that has something to do with it.

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