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i am considering mounting my anvil stand (big tree section) on some heavy (super heavy) duty castors...never done this...is it advisable? are there any you could recommend?

Fallshaw / Albion / Albion 410 Contender

was looking at this...no idea how much hey cost though...

anvil weighs about 120kg, the stump in its current config (which is way longer than it needs to be) weighs upwards of 100kg...

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well me personaly i would't want my anvil atached to any thing that when i'm hitting on it it could roll and also it would put alot of stress on the casters now if your trying to make it so you can move it around when needed i would look at some of those wood working table saw wheel kits were when you goto move it on one side theres an ajustment caster the you would lower with a screw knob and in turn would raise it on an angle and make the other wheels touch the ground and then you could roll it were you need

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if the castors are rated to over a tonne then surely the stresses would be minimal...not sure about percussive forces from the actual hammering.

also most super heavy duty castors come with a lock option...would this not provide enough lateral stability in terms of limiting rolling?

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the casters will take it, no problem but do you want your anvil rolling and bouncing around while you're trying to us it?

If you mount a pair of casters on one side of the block just off the floor and make a handle that can be inserted in the other side of the block you can simply tilt it up and roll it away like a wheel barrow. Very easy to set up and you don't need anything like heavy duty casters, they only have to support 125-150kg and you're good to go.


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A good way to go if using casters or better still rubber tires to move stuff around is mount them on sq receiver tubing like a trailer hitch. Then you can use the same tires on lots of different things and not chance tripping on them while you're using the tool, equipment, etc.

All you'll have permanently mounted to your anvil block is a pair of short sq tubes. Maybe another one or two to socket the handle into as well but there won't be a pair of wheels / tires in your way when it's where you want it.


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Good idea Frosty!

Of course the smell of burning rubber tires might also be a deterrent to having them at the foot of your anvil while in use. ;-P

Well, a person could pretend they're at the drag races or if the smoke bothers, pull the tires/wheels out of the receivers so they don't get burned.

To each his/er own. ;)

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