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I Forge Iron

Smeden in het Gravensteen / Forging in the Gravensteen

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You ARE going to post some pics of the work and finished project yes? If we don't see it, it doesn't exist, didn't happen, etc. 

Actually I'm jealous, we don't have castles, not even little ones. <sniff>

Frosty The Lucky.

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Yeah, America is a bit new for legit castles, lol. We do have a few castle ruins sprinkled throughout the country. One of them near me. But the fact they are ruins attests to the quality of their construction in comparison to the European castles, lol

This sounds like a super awesome event gewoon. Like Frosty, I'm also looking forward to the pictures of the process & finished project. I know how I am with remembering to capture pictures while I'm involved in something though - so I'll settle for just the finished project if that's all you get, lol

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There was a castle construction project using traditional methods in Arkansas a few years back.  I think it may have gone belly up due to financial shotfalls.  At one time they were looking for a smith but I thought that the idea of forging at a coal or charcoal fire in the Arkansas summer heat and humididty did not sound like a fun gig.

There are some "castles' around the US of varying degrees of authenticity but I haven't seen many that are very accurate fortifications either on the exterior or interior.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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The event is still today, but I cannot attent.

Yesterday was fun. 17 smiths are demoing. All working on the same project a fire basket. 

Each had a bar 30x10mm length 650mm. 

We mark at 200mm and 300mm from the same end. Between the markings we make round 15mm. than twist 90° and taper and square off again before widening the shorter end. Splitting it in 4 pieces and square those up.

The other end we shape in a die so it will fit the bottom.

The 4 (or 3 but more later) square "fingers" we all shape to our own imagination.

Than we fit in the bottom and make a little taper to hold it firmly in place.

So I teamed up with another from school to make the rough shape. More fun for us, to work with a striker and also being the guy in the lead. But more fun for bystanders, seeing the teamwork.

A good fire, and a sledge make short work of the indent that needs to become round. Rounding up was done solo. Everything else I (or we) did with 2 till it was split. 

Than it was small shaping and a sledge is no good. So we each take a piece (we made 2 when doubling up) and with a smaller hammer we squared the slidded pieces up, we bend it in the die (teamwork again) and the final proces of decorating and fitting begone.

I lost one of the smaller decorations. I did not hold the chisel good, so I made a coldshut (did it twice, on one of the smaller parts and the main part as well). And during the squaring, the small piece decided it does not want to be a part of it anymore. 

I did not weld it on (no welding equipment except the fire) but made a piece with 3 details. 

I wad not the only one. A couple burned it of. The non experience with working in the sun showed. Burning at orange is a strange view and a hard lesson.

Was fun, learned a lot (the chisel part) was nice being striker, and also calling the shots.


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After i took the photo, 3 more pieces are added.

on the top photo you can see my 3prong in the middle.


sorry for the lousy photos. I don't have an eye for that.

a lot of tourist took photos and the orginizer took fotos and a movie.









An overview of the smiths and the works.



before the bending and squaring the details up.

and a finished (but not fitted to instal piece)





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I'm completely lost Gewoon, I don't know what's yours, if you are  one of the pics or what. Is your work one in the last piece on the table? 

There are a lot of elements that were forged to match or be very close to it. Is the circular plate they're in where they go, or is it a display stand and the individual pieces get mounted elsewhere. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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a film somebody made from the event. Cannot embed it (youtube does not allow it for that movie) but maybe better for the data ;)


Frosty : I took the pics, so you can't see me. Since I'm no good in taking photos, it is normal you don't see a thing. The round thing is the bottom of the fire basket. We made the basket itself. So all pieces go together. 

The overall shape is the same. The only thing supposed to be different are the 4 or 3 details at the end. The hearts, squiblies, fires, ... at the end of each piece.

I don't have a picture of the final product

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That was a fun video, had to mute it though, I don't speak the language and the wind was really loud. That's not a complaint it just is. I started watching the video that popped up when the one you posted ended and was impressed with the hand held shear in use. One man, master probably positioned in on the steel to be cut and held it flat on the anvil while the striker smacked it with a sledge. It worked like a charm and better yet it looked to be made from bar stock hinged with a bolt.

As not special as it gets and very functional, a true blacksmitherly tool. I have some leaf spring just crying out to be made into something, I can fulfill it's wish now!:)

Thanks for the video. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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