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I Forge Iron

Auction Score

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I've pretty much stopped going to auctions as I realized that most of the time I would waste an entire day there and end up being outbid by someone who wanted the items I wanted but planned to use them as ornaments in their garden...bad for the blood pressure.

I could spent the same time tracking down stuff by word of mouth and have a better chance of actually getting something and that at 1/2 the auction price, not to mention all the other stuff I would find along the way.

At auctions I would bid aggressively up to my limit and then turn and walk away. (Actually at auctions my best deals have been when someone else buys a big jobbled together lot and I buy what I wanted from it from them for much less than the lot went for. Sometimes it happens that they wanted the same stuff and so I invite them to the next smithing meeting...

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