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I Forge Iron

Keeping the neighbors happy.

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For you folks living in suburbia or worse, how do you keep your neighbors from complaining?

I used to live in a trailer court in the middle of Anchorage, my nearest neighbor being almost 30' from my trailer so when I set up I was much closer than that.

I used to first of all only make noise in the middle of the day. Then I did a lot of small repairs and sharpened lots and LOTS of kitchen knives gratis. I always offered a hand when a neighbor was doing anything with metal but didn't do large projects free. Discounted for sure but never free.

Lastly I made sure the neighborhood kids behaved themselves while watching, I explained things, demoed things and generally kept them entertained.

In some 18 years I heard one complaint second hand from a neighbor who liked to sit on his porch and play his guitar. My 9" disk grinder made for poor harmony. From then on I'd check before starting something and every once in a while check to see if he'd come out. I also made him a hand wrought guitar hanger as a peace offering.

I used propane almost exclusively and on rare occasion charcoal, coal wasn't even a consideration.


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I just wrote a post to "Busted" about my problem. I have quit using coal or charcoal and went to gas. I live in a neighborhood that has CC&R's and I would never buy a house in that kind of neighborhood again. Bad idea! Someone is always complaining about something or another. I also live in the desert and it is dry so they worry about fire. Fire is a big issue so I have a hose handy and wet things down before forging, even with gas. Some complain about the hammer noise but it isn't any louder then the horses, dogs, burros or kids and their music so it has become a non-issue. It is not like I forge for 8 hours a day and not now that my back is so bad. I'm no worse then the neighbor that is always doing woodworking as a hobby for sure. That table saw of his is whining till ten o'clock every night and I usually forge during the day and early evening. You just have to work with your neighbors talk to them explain things. If they need something welded do it, something bent do it, just be as helpful as you can be with hobby in your neighborhood.

Edited by Bentiron1946
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So far, I've been pretty lucky. My shop is zoned commercial and butts up on two sides to residences, the back side is to another commercial property, and across the street is the local high school. The folks that actually live around my shop are elderly, and from the day I got my building, I've been running over to cut trees for them, carry groceries, plumbing work, etc. I had the property for over a year before I ever did any forging, so I figured I'd go ahead and build up some credit and let them get to know me before I did anything questionable. As it turns out, the business that was here before me was a cabinet shop that ran 3 shifts a day. So far, all my neighbors are simply happy that the cabinet shop is gone. I'm not sure that they're even aware of what goes on over the fence. There really wouldn't be much that they could do if they did get irritated by it, but I always figure that its less of a hassle to keep the peace than rock the boat.

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I use a gasser almost all the time, coal forge on rare occasions for large pieces. I put a tall stack on the coal forge when I use it and run a big fan to disperse the smoke. I have my PW anvil set in a lot of silicone caulking to deaden the ring. No complaints in the last 8-9 years. All the neighbors just think I am the neighborhood "curiosity".

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I limit the duration to 3-4 hours at a time during daylight hours and try to keep the smoke to a minimum using good fire management. No one has complained yet. I'll be moving it all indoors this fall which will help with any sound issues. I have had two neighbors say they liked hearing the sound of the anvil. The one neighbor who is iffy about it all has triplets and she is just overwhelmed so I say lots of good things about her kids. Her husband just broke his arm so I am cutting their lawn for the next 12 weeks. That should earn some grace points.

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I make it a point to help the neighbors, pesky and otherwise. Learned it from my folks as a kid and have practiced it ever since. Sometimes an unexpected good deed changes the dynamic amazingly. I'ld a mowed the guys lawn no matter what but the fact that I even offered to help seemed to amaze the lady even though I have snow blowed their yard for three years!!!

Someday I am going to be old and infirm or laid up and just hope that someone will help me too. And when I am gone they just might keep an eye on my wide for me. What do they call it 'Paying it Forward'?

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I live out a ways and don't have the close neighbor problem... in fact it is just the opposite, I have a neighbor I would like to bother and am far enough away that my smoke dissipates far to quickly and the forge noise doesn't carry quite far enough and my music has to be too loud for even me to enjoy it...

Drat, I guess that puts me back to trying to love thy neighbor again!


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I'm zoned agricultural / residential. I only have about 10 neighbors within 3/4 of a mile in any direction. The closest is about 75-100 yds away. I've developed a good relationship with them before installing my forge. I told them what I planned to do and they seem fairly receptive. They burn their trash so I guess its no problem if I burn coal. They run a wood burning stove in winter, so I made them a leaf handled poker/rake. A day or so later I found a basket of tomatoes in my front door. The rest of the neighbors aren't close enough to bother with. Sounds like I'm ok there.

I'd LOVE to be close enough to bother the level 3 sex offender who lives 1/2 mile down the road... but then that would put him in sight of my kids... At least he's not out for another year yet.


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