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I Forge Iron

Whisper Deluxe/ Diamondback forges Opinions

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Im looking at the NC gas forges..Ive looked at the Chilies but alas Im on a budget of sorts(and her name is Lisa :D ) The whisper deluxe is a two burner and Im wondering if it will reliably get to welding heat? Any other opinions on the NC forges are welcome..thanks
Also what about the diamond back forges??

Edited by KYBOY
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I have a whisper daddy three burner and love it...If you intend to forge weld the whisper deluxe is marginal, Get one of the models with a insulated door. I have used one of the whisper deluxe models many times and can weld in it. ,,most of the time...there is so much heat lost out the door it makes it iffy. The whisper mama low boy or the whisper daddy are really nice forges and a choice for you is what size you need

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I've had a Diamondback 2 burner metal artist forge for a couple of years now. Runs very well and the size is well suited to the work that I tend to do. I added an idle circuit that allows me to cut back on the gas. It's simply a bypass made from brass fittings (I believe I saw a photo of one here in the gallery).

The only thing I wish it had was the ability to run only 1 burner if desired. If I really wanted that I could probably modify the forge but it would be nice if it came with that feature.

Anything else you might want to know about the Diamondback just ask.

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I built a blown gasser at a SOFA workshop that ran me about US$100, with adding another layer of kaowool lately I have had problems with it melting steel in it. If you are on a budget building your own is pretty easy and you can tweak it for a welding forge---extra insulation on the sides, hard brick or rammable on the bottom, ITC-100 over all. (blown gassers are particularly simple to build compared to aspirated ones and allow you to easily control the atmosphere and heat levels.)

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I have the previous style of the 1-burner Bladesmith/welding forge from Diamondback, its a small operation but Mr.Meyers a blacksmith building for the needs of blacksmiths, i know i sound like a walking advertisement but My single burner diamondback forge heats faster than My uncle Kelly's two burner NC tool whisper daddy

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I have an NC Wisper Momma and have used it periodically for about 17 to 20 years. It works nice, but it does not forge weld. I figure that eventually I will need to build a forge designed for forge-welding. Some sites sell burner assemblies, and for the first time builder that might be a consideration. You can certainly build a more insulated gas forge than you can purchase already made, one also with a ceramic plate to protect the floor. :D

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Kyboy,where are you located ???
I have a friend who has family near Pikeville/ Johns Creek area

Not very far at all..Maybe 20 minutes away..Funny thing you mention Johns creek. I hunt and fish there a lot and I bought a nice Arm&Hammer anvil from a horse farm up on Johns Creek last year..A lot of my family were from the Johns Creek area before the Corp of engineers flooded lower Johns Creek for Dewey Lake..
Also I ended up getting the Diamondback forge..Works great and will weld with no problems..The design is awsome for odd shaped work as well..:)
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