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I Forge Iron

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My wife, Madelynn, pointed out that retirement income, pensions, social security, investments, savings, etc., are not "free money."  We worked and saved for them.  They are more like "deferred compensation."  So, even though we are not working for a regular paycheck we are still receiving income and compensation for our labor and skill over the years.

That said, it still feels kind of magical and unreal to have money coming in and I don't have to get up and go to a job in exchange.  Retirement is a LOT better than being unemployed.

BTW, Thomas, congratulations.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."


Actually; in the SCA my name is Master Wilelm.  My laurel is in Blacksmithing and my Laurel Wreath is a rune stone with one of the Hylestad Stave Church carvings reproduced on it.


I will point out for those non-Society for Creative Anachronism folk (most everyone here) that Thomas' designation as a Laurel (addressed as "Master") is the equivalent of a knighthood in the SCA.  Knights (addressed as "Sir") are awarded their rank for their skills in SCA combat while Laurels are awarded for skills in the Arts and Sciences.

George N.M.

(known in the SCA as Master Garwed Cadburiensis)


Congratulations Sir Thomas! Just be forewarned there are no days off nor vacations when you're retired. Not that I expect you'll do much laying about. Enjoy.

Frosty The Lucky.

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