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I Forge Iron

Hammered finish sheets?

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Probably rolled that way.  Now before I go digging; what countries are you willing to pay shipping from since you don't state your location here on the World Wide Web?

Here in New Mexico USA I would check with Indital USA that Craig and Taggert handles stuff for in Las Cruces.

In the USA I would google: "hammered" "steel" "sheet" "metal"   for a very large number of hits indeed!

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Those are fabricated doors. Are you going to bid a set of doors to match? Are you going to make a set of "forged" doors out of this stamped sheet metal? Are you going to fabricate a set of doors to match the pic?  Does your bid need to be competitive with a commercial set? Lol, have you ever built a set of fireplace doors?

Obviously my questions aren't the answer to yours,,, where to buy this stamped sheet. Mine are just out of curiosity. My answer to your question would be to make your own, albeit a daunting task even if you are a blacksmith. I suspect it's not easily available in any gage of sheet steel.


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Yes, I have built many sets of fireplace doors. The hammered sheet metal I'm trying to source is for a set of doors I will fabricate for log storage next to the "store" bought fireplace doors.

My last resort is to make the hammered sheet myself. I prefer a "mechanized" hammered finish such as rolled, this will match the store bought doors best.

As of yet, I still have not found a source for the hammered sheet. I can find it in SS in very thin gauge, but no luck in 1/4" A36.

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If only you could find a Blacksmith with a power hammer to help you. 

If I did it though ( I have hammered many sheets at a place I was a journeyman)

I would only hammer strips the size I actually need for the job.

It is a lot of hard physical work to waste. Requires multiple flattening and hammering. 

Totally doable though.

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I'd build it like I do all of my doors. I'd build the facade out of 1/4"* whatever flat stock. Cut to length, then textured with whatever tools suit you,, hand hammer, power hammer, or press. This done hot. If you need to edge bend it, if it too hard to bend  cold, then don't anneal, just edge bend it hot. Then do the joinery you want at the corners. Miter(hacksaw and file),arc weld, forge weld, or forged angle. This all gets mounted on an angle iron frame. Texture is no big deal, do whatever texture you want. In this example, all corners are forge welded. Material is 1/4"*(whatever) strap. I do edge bend 1/4"*4" hot with my bending forks and scrolling wrenches.

arched fire screen small.jpg

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