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I Forge Iron

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I found a set of old Wiss brand hedge clippers that look to be from the '50s, possible early '60s. They're marked Drop Forged and Heat Treated and are definitely not punched out of sheet metal. I got a nice tail of sparks when I ground one blade, but other than guessing it's carbon steel I have no idea. Any idea what Wiss might have used? Thanks in advance!


Welcome aboard, neddyboy. Hard to tell an exact composition at a distance, but you might look at some of the threads about spark testing for more precise info. You should also test-harden a bit, which will give you a good idea of how you'll be able to use it.

Also, add you location to your profile, so we know where you are. Did you read the Read This First tab at the top of the page?


Welcome aboard Neddyboy, glad to have you. Have you contacted Wiss and asked them? It may be proprietary info but there are ways around that sometimes. You can check with the folk who make them for Wiss, they might spill the beans.

Frosty The Lucky.


With that info I would treat it like a piece of high carbon steel. I'd do this because it seems to me that high carbon steel would be better for trimming a hedge. ;) Heat treat it the same way you would if you made a knife from say 1095 or a W1 tool steel. That's assuming you want to make a knife. I'd start out with a small knife so as not to lose too much steel if it is something else. Then I'd do a differential temper and see how it holds up.

Of course you could sacrifice a small piece if you want, but if you guess right, and your skills are good enough, then you have not lost any material and no matter the outcome, you have gained some good education as well.

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