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I Forge Iron

TPAAAT in detail?

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Alright, so I may just be too literal or too dull, but where does it actually explain how to follow the TPAAAT? The first post seems to be Glenn recounting that he used the process and succeeded but I don't actually see the exact process posted anywhere. Sorry if I am missing something, never claimed to be smart. Lol

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TPAAAT is nothing more than asking everyone if they know where you can find a item.  The ladies in church, the person that runs the cash register at the check out, the people at the gas station, the stockers at the grocery store, your family, your friends, the next person you happen across, that is to say ask EVERYONE if they know where you can find a item.  It adds to help jog their memory if you give them a bit more information such as you need that item and will ACTUALLY USE the item. 

TPAAAT does not produce immediate results, as it takes a while for people think about your question and then to remember where they say or heard about the item.  Thank the people for each suggestion and follow up and chase down every referral. You may not hit that item, but you will hit information and history.  Thank them for the secondary referral and then chase down it down.  

If you have a pick up truck use it. If offered a second item try to include it into the deal. ALWAYS carry cash because the item will not be available if you have to return.   

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Oh ok, that makes more sense. I suppose I could have figured that out through other posts but my reading comprehension skills are not the greatest. So, I really appreciate the clarity. I will certainly start my search soon with this method and will try my best to be patient. Thankfully I have something to use until then.

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Another thing that helps is to have a card with your name, phone number, email on it to hand to folks so they can track you down later. (I get cheap ones so I can hand them out freely.)

An essential part is asking folks you wouldn't believe have stuff; I know of a beautiful anvil that was found asking a 92 year old lady at church---it was in her shed for the last 50 years or so...Or that guy in his early 20's selling used car parts at the fleamarket, turns out his uncle had a 469# Fisher in mint condition and wanted to sell it for less than US$1 a pound...

Asking only folks who might be using them tends to focus on *expensive* anvils not "legacy" anvils where the current owner may just want it to go to a good home!

Also remember that cities had more anvils per sq mile than the country side did;  so cities with an old section may have anvils hiding out in them, (factories---especially in the maintenance dept, old car repair,  old HVAC, old Hospitals!, Schools, all places  I have found anvils...)

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I get them printed up, 500/$20 at the local UPS store. The first 500 cost more because I was updating the card I used earlier with the old address and pre cell phone#. Now they're in the UPS files I can get a box printed at any UPS store for about $20.

I used to print my own but the new printer software won't just print MY cards it only wants to make me sort through nested menus and select one of THEIR templates. PC Idiotware. It was easier to have them done.

Frosty The Lucky.

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