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I Forge Iron

is it possible..

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.. for stainles steel to also have a high carbon content?...i know that stainles is stainless because of chromium i just dont know if that would interfear with industrial carbonizing procesis..also are bucks stainless? cuz if so ill stop oiling mine

Edited by geofthesmith
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Your Buck is SS you don't need to oil it to prevent corrosion.

I prefer an Old Timer or Schrade myself, less expensive and better edge holding. I'd buy a better knife but usually lose the darned things every couple years so it'd be a waste.


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I have a couple, one a really high quality large folder the other is a promo folder given to me by one of the guys at work. The promo knife isn't much, a serrated blade is a sign of an inferior knife, exceptions noted.

We may share a name but I still wouldn't want one "up my alley!" :o


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