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Identify a shoe


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Hello all. I’m new here. I’ve never worked with metal but think it’s an interesting craft and appreciate the work and artistry involved. I’m hoping someone either is familiar with or has a suggestion where to look for information. I have an old horseshoe or maybe muleshoe that while plundering in in my great grandfather’s old store building. There was a small wooden barrel full. On the curve it’s stamped with a heart shape and a H below. Along the left side the word Germany. I think it is interesting and would like to know more about when it was made, who made them and what the heart H means. Any help given would be really appreciated. I also found a cast iron old tobacco cutter that is rather neat. 





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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. 

Posting the same thing in multiple places won't get you more or better answers. What it IS likely to get you is a little speech about folks in 3rd world countries on dial up connections twice a month and wasted bandwidth. Perhaps some suggestions from Admin.

We have a lot of farriers on board, I'm sure one will be along soon. The site is organized by subject easily found on the opening page, just scroll down till you find THE one or the closest you can, do a little reading, your question is likely to have been answered any number of times already. If not or it's not clear, ask away.

Don't sweat it, IFI has a learning curve and nobody gets it right all the time. We'll actually cut you some slack. . . . Well. :rolleyes:

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thank you sir. It was my understanding that I put the original in the wrong thread. Then I went to this one. THEN I saw somehow I posted it twice! I tried to figure out how to delete but if you can I didn’t find it. When anyone complains I’ll own up to it and apologize because I truly didn’t mean for this to happen. I looked through all the types of sections AFTER IronDragon (hope that’s not a description of attitude, just kidding little lizard) pointed it out to me. To be honest I’m still not sure it is in the correct place. I seriously do hope I’ve not offended anyone this early. Geez, I’m screwed on my first post. 

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1 hour ago, Frosty said:

That's a tobacco cutter isn't it?

Frosty The Lucky.


Yes sir, it is. I’m trying to find approx age. I’ve seen ones that look the same that are listed as mid to late 1800’s. I’m a sucker for vintage items, heck I’m still married to my husband. Especially like this since it was my great grandfather’s. 

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I did a google search for rjr tob co tobacco cutter, lots of hits to sites selling them. Can't link to those sites per TOS but here is the google page. That company is the fore runner of R.J. Reynolds.



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Thank you, George. You confirmed my guess that it would be a mule shoe if for no other reason that size and shape. I’m not sure how old the horses were before they began shoeing back then but they just didn’t look right. If you had to guess what time frame would you put these in?

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  • 5 years later...

its a German hill hind shoe. Used when working harness horses and ponies in hilly muddy snow conditions. its was a common shoe used in Germany during 1ww.  the Australian war memorial have some examples of that shoe, that were brought back from Germany by light horse & heavy horse solders at the end of the war.    

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Smile * others might be interested , it is a forum or have I got that wrong ?.  Until a few days ago ,I hadn't posted on any blacksmithing or farrier forums since 2012. There were much more urgent & important things in life to talk about. 

As hard as you try to educate people, it seems there is no cure for stooped. You cant save them from their stupid selves .

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You sure know how to make friends don't you? 

You respond to a post more than 6 years old by someone who hasn't been logged in since almost a year after that one short conversation. You maybe expect she's still watching closely after almost 5 years, maybe staring at the screen or something? 

Calling people names won't gain you anything but possible moderation and a place on folks ignore list. 



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