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I Forge Iron

Looking at my first anvil

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I can’t tell the make based on those pictures.  The smoothly rounded feet aren’t familiar to me but I’m certain someone here has more insight on it.  My first thought is that it is a modern Russian, Chinese or otherwise less traditional country of origin.  The maker’s mark would be on the other side.  Either way, those dimensions tell me it’s a 300 pound anvil or close.  But, once again, there are people on here who would be much more accurate in that estimation as well.

In the end, you need to see it and test the rebound by dropping a large ball bearing on it.  It should rebound 7.5 inches or more being dropped from ten inches.  More is much better.  It should also have a clear ring with no buzzing.  Good luck!

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Actually the bulge below the hardy and the semicircular inlet in the foot below the hardy makes it look like a Badger to me.

IIRC they were a steel faced cast iron anvil and should be quiet in use---no ring, more of a thwap.  It's in quite good shape so try not to abuse it as they a bit more prone to catastrophic failure and harder to do repairs on---the face is rather thin and so there is the "false casting face" to make you think otherwise. Do not grind or mill on the face!

Rather like the Vulcan and Fisher anvils.

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