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Northern Tool company has a set of A-Z stamps for about $20.00. I have one that a guy gave me. It works great and you can punch the steel cold.
I am a reenactor in the Tennessee Valley Battalion, Col. Robert Ward, commanding. Maryland being more of a split state, I was wondering if you play blue or grey. Or, do you galvanize. I galvanize to blue when I am going to die. Makes me feel better! :D Are you going to Gettysburg? I wish I was, but I am unable to camp, being only 15!

The kidsmith,
Dave Custer


I started out in the cavalry with the 35th batallion Virginia Cav. I upto last year portrayed General Fitzhugh Lee, (R.E.Lee's nephew and second-in- command of Cavalry unto Hampton showed up). As a Civil War Blacksmith I portray mostly a civilian. A friend of mine is working on a Civil War Traveling Forge and we will take that out as a military portrayal. Will not be going to Gettysburg and unbeknownst to me, there is no age limit on camping there as long as you are with a group. During that re-eanactment I will be doing Boyds Bear's Yankee Doodle days. They are located straight down the Emmittsburg Road (Steinwehr Ave).



Infinity Stamps had lowest cost for logo stamps of all the ones I contacted, but if you are just going to use letters, buy good ones of just the letters you will use. That would be the lowest cost alternative.


I just got off the phone with the company mentioned. I want a stamp- compatible with marking steel and wood. No sweat. I am looking at using the outline of the state of Iowa(stock) about 1" x 1" with "New Traditions Tool & Finish". It is for use on steel and wood. I know it is pretty early to be thinking touchmarks when I don't have my chops down and may never will as far as smithing. But I do work in wood already, making hand planes. Wood bodied planes were traditionally cold stamped by the maker. It would appear that I could get a wood burner at the same time- saving because of same artwork. Maybe around $150 for the mallet/hammer stamp in a hardened steel. Not cheap- but very realistic considering the work necessary. Fellow was friendly. For those of you who "merit" such a marker, they will be hard to surpass.jet


My stamp would be smaller to use on stock anywhere from 1/4" - 1", but will probably need more than 1. One for name and one for Civil War Blacksmith, If using small enough font shuld be able to do the latter on 1 stamp.


A valid point. Once the artwork is programmed in, it, the image overall size can be changed. Their sample of the shape of the State of Iowa is shown at about one inch square. In olden times, the art work would be a greater portion of the expense. Not now with cut and paste and CNC. The hardened steel stamp for hammer use is about $175-roughly and only a fifth of that is art set-up. I could use my hydraulic press in metal. No bounce, no right hand injury and crisp.jet

Posted (edited)

The stamps I mentioned are small enough for 1/4 inch steel.
Hey, did somebody get rid of that repeat post of mine. Thanks! It made me look stupid! I didn't want y'all to know I was dumb, that's for close family. ;)

The kidsmith,
Dave Custer

Edited by FieryFurnace

My touchmark is just my last name; five letters. I made my own stamping punch by first taking standard letter punches (positive individual letters) and punching my name neatly in a piece of 11ga crs, (creating a negative composite word). I then used this to create the punch; by heating the punch end to yellow, stamping it into the imprint in the crs, (positive composite), grinding away excess metal around the word and squaring up the punch, and heat treating accordingly, keeping it on the hard side. I did this about a year or more ago, so the details are a little foggy in my brain, but I think that I probably had to do multiple hits to raise the letters in the end of the punch til I was satisfied.

As the area of the punch grows, so will the difficulty in forging the positive from the negative. Also, it will be harder to find an area flat enough to take an impression in the work piece.

  • 1 year later...

Hi all-
I know this has been covered over and over and I thought I saved some links but I can't find them:mad:

Who is a good and inexpensive stamp maker? I had quotes of around $100.00 with shipping for a name stamp but I can't find it....

If anyone has a link to forward "thank you"

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