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I Forge Iron

Small 115# ID please

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Pre 1820's  (lack of pritchel hole squat configuration.)  (1900 isn't much of a style divide as many 1880's anvil look pretty much the same as 1920's anvils)

With no stampings it narrows it down to over 100 different English anvil makers of that period...

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I think it's a very early anvil.  It could be from the 1700's given it's shape, style and lack of a cut-off shelf and pritchel hole.  Many of the colonial anvils I've seen identified as such look like this one.  With that said, it's tough to know for sure.  A 1713 anvil could look the same as a 1799 anvil in that same style.  Please don't grind it or modify it in any way, but you should be safe to use it, it all depends on what you intend it for.  Some collectors would gasp at using an old anvil to forge with.

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