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I Forge Iron

Peter Wright Anvils

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Hi - Newbie here.  I' m actually a stock reduction knife maker,  not really a blacksmith. (At least not yet.)

Anyway, a local blacksmith shop is being sold at auction and the sale list includes 7 Peter Wright anvils in various sizes.  I have not seen them and will not until the day of the sale.  Any advice for me?  Are Peter Wrights generally good anvils?



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One of the top brands of the old english anvils.  Check for face delamination, (ring test) and temper, ball bearing test.  They do have a face forge welded over a wrought iron body so BEWARE of any signs of grinding, milling, etc that would thin the face any!  I have two PW's one for over 33 years and they have given great service!

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Yes. Good anvils. You will see some PW's with a sway on the face. This isnt really a bad thing it just means that the wrough iron they used to forge that area was lower quality and softer. If you can choose between a flat face or sway I would grab the flat one. The middle will be harder and not absorb the hammer energy as much as the swayed one. Can a smith tell the difference between the  two when forging is up for debate and probably small.  But theory says harder the better.

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Welcome to IFI, @Col Defender

As noted above, Peter Wright anvils are generally considered very good, depending on their condition. You can learn more from the Peter Wright entries on the "Anvil Reviews by Brand" section of the forum, and please make sure to read the "Anvils: A beginner's buying guide" article by @Everything Mac.

But first, head over to the Introduce Yourself section and let us know who you are, but be sure to READ THIS FIRST!

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On 19/10/2017 at 4:07 PM, JHCC said:

Welcome to IFI, @Col Defender

As noted above, Peter Wright anvils are generally considered very good, depending on their condition. You can learn more from the Peter Wright entries on the "Anvil Reviews by Brand" section of the forum, and please make sure to read the "Anvils: A beginner's buying guide" article by @Everything Mac.

But first, head over to the Introduce Yourself section and let us know who you are, but be sure to READ THIS FIRST!

Couldn't have said it better myself. 


All the best 


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