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I Forge Iron

Coating a rigidized ceramic liner?

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A newbie with questions... I have a Majestic 2 burner forge that I will using for bladesmithing. I would like to attempt to weld with it too eventually,  and I am wondering if there is any benefit to coating the ceramic liner with a reflective treatment such as ITC 100 or Plistix? Or is this something that should never be done at all?   Will it make it gooder? :)

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I believe that an IR coating will improve any gas forge.  ITC-100 costs about $100.00 per pint.  Plistix is $15.00 and Metrikote is $20.00 per pint.  Why would you consider paying $100.00 per pint when $15.00 or $20.00 will do the same job?

You can e-mail me or PM me or just look at my web-site for helpful information. Let me know if I can help you. 


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1 minute ago, WayneCoeArtistBlacksmith said:

I believe that an IR coating will improve any gas forge.  ITC-100 costs about $100.00 per pint.  Plistix is $15.00 and Metrikote is $20.00 per pint.  Why would you consider paying $100.00 per pint when $15.00 or $20.00 will do the same job?

You can e-mail me or PM me or just look at my web-site for helpful information. Let me know if I can help you. 


I will do so. Thanks Wayne.

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I gotta chime in with Mike on this one Wayne. Our use of kiln wash isn't what ITC-100 was designed to do, it just got a name because there wasn't anything else available or maybe known when the internet went public. 

Plistex or Metrikote are much better products for the small guy's forge. They set into a hard coating and become harder and more durable after fire curing. They both have a higher % of zirconium and are better IR re-radiators.

I've been trying to redirect folk away from ITC-100 in our applications. It's a fine product IF you have a furnace  you load with RR locomotive mounted tongs.

I would hold that opinion if Plistex and Metrikote cost more instead of 15-20% as much.

Frosty The Lucky.

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