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I Forge Iron

Hello from Canada!


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Hi, new guy from Quebec, Canada. Ive been interested in blacksmithing/bladesmithing for a little more than 1 year. Im curently at trade school in welding class doing my second year of a 2 year course but i have previously worked a a heavy industry welder for 2 and half a year and have a  summer experience in a aluminium fab shop as a apprentice welder/fabricator.

Most of my initial interest have came from Mans at Arms: Reforged on youtube and Forged in Fire, then i started to get a lot of information from online board and video, just completed my first forge tonight and cant wait to fire it up and make something out of forged steel!


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Welcome aboard . . . SlabPloX? glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in your profile you might be surprised how many of the gang live within visiting distance. Seriously, telling us where you are in one post isn't going to stick in anybody's mind after we open a different thread and you'll learn more working with an experienced smith than all the reading and video watching in the world. Youtube has a rep for experts with no more useful knowledge than how to turn a camera on and access the web. Some is outright dangerous.

What kind of forge did you put together? Do you have anything in mind you want to make?

You've spent time learning crafts that take knowledge and practice to become proficient so follow the model and focus on process exercises before trying to make things. Sure some things are not much more than process exercises say S hooks and nails but there's no reason to rush. You know what rushing a job does to it. Yes? This is fun, have a good time instead of working at making things for a while eh?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks you for the welcome! Updated my location in my profile but i doupt anyone close to me (less than 8h drive...) is a experienced smith but hey, who know!

The forge i made is quite a basic coal forge made out of a brake rotor. Everything is set on a "table" made out of a drum cover and 2 inch tubing. I will make a post soon in solid fuel forge section for general input and way to improve my design.

As for the stuff i want to make i sure want to try making some knife! But im gonna start easier with making myself a fire poker, some set of tongs and some punch out of spring steel.

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Not to discorage you, but you will find forged in fire and man at arms to be very "hollywooded up". 

On the up side, a coal forge or a propaine forge is a very economical alternitive to a rose bid for heating large stock. Also bending and shaping stock with forge and anvil will save an great amount of grinding. Punching and drifting can also save drilling. The two skills will mesh well, improving your value to yourself as well as futue employers. 

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