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I Forge Iron

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I was wonder what I can do to protect my kaowool for the flux when trying to forge weld damascus. I will be putting Plistix 900F on it but will that be enough to protect it?
I was also wonder if it would work to put a piece of metal in the bottom on top of the kaowool to protect from the flux?
Any info would help!


on the forge, not the blade. it will protect the blanket. tho when hardening the blade it will oftimes be used for differential hardening for a hamon. How long have you been smithing?


I do a lot of forge welding in my gas forges. I cover the ceramic fiber blanket on the bottom half with about 2 inches of ram refractory (or plastic.) The flux will not damage this stuff and actually puddles with scale in the bottom after it builds up and can be scooped out while hot and molten. The best stuff I have used is AP Green's Green Pack 85, ANH Refractories


I used bubble alumina in the bottom of my forge - from Darrin Ellis. He said it was the best he had seen for resisting flux ( haven't taken it apart to see what shape it is in ).


IIRC Hrisoulas has used a metal try with cheap kitty litter in it as a flux catcher---probably need to support the billet above the tray so you don't stick litter to it though.

I was wonder what I can do to protect my kaowool for the flux when trying to forge weld damascus. I will be putting Plistix 900F on it but will that be enough to protect it?
I was also wonder if it would work to put a piece of metal in the bottom on top of the kaowool to protect from the flux?
Any info would help!

I've made a plate from castable refractory to deal with this issue.

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