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I Forge Iron

Speaking of ball bearing tests...


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Not really anvil related but since ball bearing tests are the norm here and many have experience with that, here's an interesting scientific twist on that... Something they are calling an "atomic trampoline"



This has an explanation of the physics involved  http://crisp.southernct.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Atomic-Trampoline-Guide.pdf

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I wonder what a liquidmetal anvil would cost? I'd like to see the comparison done with hardened high carbon steel rather than aluminum.

I wonder how long it'd take to drive the cylinder into a board if they sharpened the bottom?

Neat stuff. Thanks for the link.

Frosty The Lucky.

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2 hours ago, Ridgewayforge said:

Now, would it be easier to forge on if its not converting the energy into heat? 



Energy converted to heat is wasted energy, keeping the anvil from getting hot is a good thing. The idea isn't to try forging liquidmetal though it would be fun to give a smart Alec beginner a rivet length of the stuff ad watch him try and pein.

Frosty The Lucky.

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