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I Forge Iron

Peter Wright 126

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This was my Grandfather's anvil he used on his farm. There was no blacksmithing that I know of. What can you tell me about it, like age, value, etc.? Do I need to do anything to this before my son and I start using it? It has sat outside for a number of years.



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(1)112 - (2)56 -(6) 6 = 174 lbs      if my hundredweight brain scale is right. A hundredweight is 112lbs, a quarter weight is 28lb

Its ready to go and in great shape. Just add hot metal and hammer. 

It's priceless to you. Now go find the scrap pile. 

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It's worth several thousands pesos at least!  You are in Mexico where I am right now and so wanted the price in pesos right?

Value depends a lot on location, even in the USA prices can vary by 50%. Not knowing which of the more than 100 countries that participate in this forum on the WorldWideWeb makes it difficult to give an accurate value. (Why we advise folks to put a general location in their profile, so many smithing questions have a Location factor in them even if it's "stop by Saturday and I can teach that to you!")  Back where I used to live I'd rate that one a US$2-US$3 a pound; where I currently live you might get US$500 for it.

Wire brush off any loose rust on the face and around the edges, then pounding red hot steel on it will polish the face to gleaming---if you do it often enough.  That anvil is in good using condition, any grinding or welding on it will LOWER it's value!

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