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I Forge Iron



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Lol. You're not losing it. You are creative and imaginative. Who else would see that in some scrap? Even if it was an accident or abstract. It's wonderful art. I dig it :) you are on it. Let your muse speak to you. Let your heart pour out in your work. Don't ask why. Let your vision through.


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Thank you gents. Your kind words help inspire and keep the drive alive.

Das your right, I let my mind go and mostly I let the scrap tell me what it wants to be.

Frosty I did think about letting the chain move some but just the way is rolled didn't allow for a stable standing pose so I zapped it tight. I suspect that all the years of serious observation and contemplating all that is has allowed me to see things slightly to the left of center lol.

Aus I am honored. Scrap on gents!

Nothing from the shop today. I spent the early morning in the waiting room while my bride had surgery and this afternoon I've been cook, nurse, taxi, and the like. I hope to get a little time tomorrow but alas my bride comes first.

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Thank you yet again gents. She sir she does. I just need a hour out two out of the house in the shop for my own sanity...even if it's just cranking the tunes and sorting nails lol...

She is doing ok, rough painful night even with the meds but less pain than she was in over the last year so we are hopeful. 

Good thing I can cook or we would starve lol!

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