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I Forge Iron

OK that does it- I'm outa here!


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Nice setup Stash! Super awesome! Congratulations!!!!!

So have you been sporting that stash thing for a long time...I noticed the door of the truck said Handlebar landscaping (Or so i think it does)...I got a kick out of that after looking at your picture...I thought, this guys been packing that stash for 30 years +...Like me and my beard...LOL

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Haven't shaved my upper lip since 1974, I grew it out and started twisting it up ~ 1980 or so. Started the biz in 1994, many customers call me Mr Moustache. Early on, I also did the full ZZ Top thing, but there was too much gray, so the chin is clean.

Anyway, progress is happening. Got some organization done- things are getting put away, and I can find everything else. I also got the propane forge running. I just need to get anvils up on stands, and do a little more org. My grand daughter approves of things right now, but she wants to play, so my focus is shifted for a while. Once family is gone, I'll take a few pix to post. Merry Christmas and happy Boxing Day to all!


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After a rather substantial delay, I'm back with an update. I've been putting things kinda in place, bringing in more stuff, and shifting again. There is now some semblance of order. I finished all my hauling from the old house- 22 loads in the dump truck.First image is the last load, sitting at the new house. I've made some good progress in the forge area, putting things away and placing the major stuff, anvils up on stands, and a whole bunch of head scratching. I think I have it mostly figured out.

As I did at the beginning of the thread, you'll see the shop from the back door of the house, then front view, and walking into the center bay. I had to pull the little green tractor out for the photos, and will do the same when I fire up the forge. The bay on the left is packed full with my big mower, mini loader and my wheelbarrow and landscape tool piles. The building is a pole construction, 24x 36', with vinyl siding, one more overhead door in the back of the left bay, and 60 amps of electric. I'm waiting for the electrician (or someone just like him) to set me up with some 220 outlets for my welder





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Moving back into the shop you can see the coal forge roughly in place against the back wall, then I start spinning clock-wise to see the space. The final shot is my portable rivet forge with the propane forge also mounted on it. I haven't used the rivet forge in a while, so the propane is a semi- permanent fixture on the cart. I can roll it where ever I want it, and can roll it out of the way when I'm done. I did fire it up last week- I was really jonesing for some hot steel, and I got my fix. I really enjoy how quick I can be up and running, without the mess of the coal, but I'm still anxious to get the coal forge going. I've had the propane for ~ 5 years or so, a basic freon tank 2" of kaowool  and a burner by  Steve Genscheimer  of the local PA group, PABA.





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Here is today's project. You might be able to see on the flakeboard- x marks the spot. I pulled some translucent panels out of the way, and made the hole in the wall. My side sucker box is 13" square, and 4'long. Plenty poking in to give good clearance, and plenty outside to miss the gutter and overhang. I have at least 8" spacing from the box to any combustibles. When the forge is going all day, it doesn't get too hot to touch, but I still wanted some separation. I added some bracing inside after cutting and shifting one of the horizontal purlins, and beefed things up for the angle steel bracing holding it all up outside. The box in in place, and I set the first section of 12" flue pipe. The next step tomorrow is to get the outside braces set, finish the pipe and lid, and then flash and weatherproof it all. It has been a long time coming, but the end is (somewhat) in sight.








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