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I Forge Iron

Forging with square steel tubing

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If you want it to behave like solid stock you need to pack it with DRY sand and leave a vent hole. However there are some nice effects from working square tubing as is. Twisting cause the walls to collapse inward making a hollow sort of cable twist that can be wired for lights, etc. Bending tubing in arcs can be done a few different ways, special dies on a bender works, packing with sand works and passing cable through it ad winching it over a die works surprisingly well. All these have limits but. . .

Frosty The Lucky.

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Greetings Bill,

.       You will find that filling square tubing with sand and twisting will end up with a mess.. My profile picture is square tubing twisted..  The best way I have found is to set down groves on all 4 sides .  Holding the ends for twisting can be accomplished by cooling that portion prior to twisting. I hope this helps . I will try to take more detailed pictures and post for you.. 

Forge on and make beautiful things 


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SQ tube also depends on wall thickness..  Different wall thicknesses offer different side profiles..  Steel shot inside the tube is much cleaner Vs sand but not as cheap.. 


if you use anything loose like sand or shot you have to cap the ends after filling and compacting to get the best side wall support. 

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If you have enough power available you can fill it with water or oil and have your way with it cold. I watched a logging crew making beautiful controlled bends in heavy wall still pipe by lacing a cable through it and using a dozer to bend it around tree stumps. The fabricator was directing the guys cutting the pipe, the helper lacing cable and the dozer operator. It was a thing of beauty to watch and we were drilling a good 100 yards away.

I gave it a shot using plywood for the form and a truck winch. Crinkled square tubing till I tried motorcycle chain and it worked a treat.

Frosty The Lucky.

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