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I Forge Iron

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Very common occurrence!  In fact I demonstrate the effect of the "dragon's breath" to new students by running my arm through it and showing them the crisped hairs.  Sure makes them pay attention to the  "if you drop something in front of the forge do NOT  bend over putting your head through the dragon's breath to pick it up!"   Of course if I teach a lot of beginner's classes I end up with a lack of hair on my forearms...

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People have hair on their hands?

I wonder if toasting Ostrich or Emu leather smells like chicken? Maybe shop mittens made from bread and cheese would be a viable noon alternative. Ooh ooh wrap my hand in pizza dough!

The possibilities are endless! :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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Good grief MAN, stay out of the shop if you've had a nerve block done on your appendages! There IS a difference between cheese warm enough to get gooey and deep frying yourself in it you know. :huh:

Maybe IFI should take up a collection and buy you an aluminized fire suit to wear around the fire place. I should've realized you're thermally challenged when you said you burn your mouth on hot pizza cheese often. I blow on mine till it won't leave scars on my tongue.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Mastering the reverse blow while shoveling it in has always worked for me.

2 hours ago, Frosty said:

Good grief MAN, stay out of the shop if you've had a nerve block done on your appendages! There IS a difference between cheese warm enough to get gooey and deep frying yourself in it you know. :huh:

Maybe IFI should take up a collection and buy you an aluminized fire suit to wear around the fire place. I should've realized you're thermally challenged when you said you burn your mouth on hot pizza cheese often. I blow on mine till it won't leave scars on my tongue.

Frosty The Lucky.

My father was a airport firefighter I have one of those reflective fire suits. They are rated for direct flame impingement 

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