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need info on boy scout anvil

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Hi all,

First I'd like to thank all of you ,and especially the moderators, for sharing your hard won wisdom and keeping true craftsmanship alive.

I just came across this anvil and thought alright! I can finally get rid of that 50 lb thrust bearing (mil surplus)  I've been abusing for ever. I couldn't find anything on the web about at all. It has the Fleur de lis and BSA (boy scouts) embossed on both sides, but no other markings. It's a 55lb er with just a pritchet hole. Oh yeah, the bottom is rounded. I thought that was so it could settle into the base more securely, but I guess I'm wrong after seeing pics online. It's probably a second because it was in a scrap yard and still had the casting lines on it and the blob on the bottom from the pour hole. It's good cast steel and has a sweet even ring to it. The hammer only rebounds about a third back  but i m using a HF ballpeen. That may add an error curve that only HF could offer. Any other info I can get to possibly ID it? Anyone ever heard of the BSA ordering anvils?

Anyway. After coming up empty for info I'm thinking this could be rare and should probably go to the local blacksmith hmm coven(?) that helps the scouts with their smithing badge. It would be nice to see a pro dress it too. Of course I'd need a trade  of about the same size and quality. Me and the thrust bearing already had words and it ran off to the scrap yard.

Any ideas? I'm in South Central Alabama so if anyone knows of a smithy. (Heh, that's it, not coven.) Around the Pensacola mobile Montgomery area. It would be much appreciated.



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What a cool find. Thanks for saving it from scrap. I've never seen one or heard of them but as an Eagle Scout I'm glad to know that exists. :) too bad when I was in boyscouts there was no one teaching blacksmithing. 

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Very cool. Best friend was an eagle. Met him in his 30's but he still carried it proud. Must be good teachings. I was wondering if it might have been for a jamboree expo, but no date. They had all of that stuff at the one in '78. I'll have to look into that. Would I call the national HQ or are they regional events? Haven't a clue where to start with something like that.

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