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I Forge Iron

This Weekend's Production


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Here's this last weekend's product for my website and probably RPFS  (Renaissance Pleasure Faire, South) in  Irwindale, California...(this starts next month and it's a killer for me to keep up with the demand...) Here are two ladder pattern blade short swords, a cable blade dirk and a couple of small Star Twist type critters...


Now on the short swords I got the ladders really "tight" this time..I am more or less happy with the way they turned out...as for the other pieces, they turned out OK as well. 


These are all more or less "website" stock as I call them...  and as I said above they will probably end up down at the Ren-Faire in Irwindale that starts next month... These are my "bacon and beans" sorta  pieces that I like to keep around as they seem to sell quite well in those sorts of venues and the like...


The next bunch I have in the queue to be completed will be PW pieces, mostly in  Star Twist with a couple Ladder pieces thrown in as well..these I am planning on tarting up a bit and when I get these done later this week..I will post them as well..


As it is I hope you enjoy the view of what my "production run" sorta pieces look like..


Hope these pics turn out..










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Another week END's production eh? Makes me wonder what a week's worth of serious getting down to it would look like Jim.

Do you make a large enough billet for a day's production? I have trouble thinking how you'd pull off making individual billets for each blade. Of course I'm wrong often enough it doesn't surprise me.

Do you grind of forge the fullers? What I know about swords comes down to don't get stuck with one. Still I'm wondering about where the fullers stop, it looks short to me but I figure there's good reasons I'm too ignorant to appreciate.

I used to go to Irwindale drag strip when I lived in the Valley. I  moved north before Ren. fairs.

Frosty The Lucky.

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