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I Forge Iron

Non forging antler question


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I've got kind of an off-topic question that's only tenuously related to smithing but since people have used antler as handles and such on forged items, I thought I'td toss it out for ideas.

I'm building a new outer door for the root cellar--which will include forged pieces.  I would like to use part of an antler for the door handle...I have moose, elk and deer sitting around and itching to be used for something anyway.  However, this door sits in the blazing sun 90% of the time and I am a little worried about the antler portion degrading quickly.  It will be hit with weather too as the door is basically flush with little overhang.

Anyone have suggestions on a treatment or coating for antler to help keep it from sun/weather degradation over time?  Losing battle? 

The back up plan is a forged handle but it'd be nice to include antler if it's not a ridiculous path toward inevitable failure.

For those who noticed the door in the sun is a bad thing for a root cellar....this is an outer door into a small vestibule where there is a second insulated door.  The root cellar is concrete extending into the hillside about 16 feet...built in 1926.

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It sounds like experimentation time to me! :) Antler and horn is used a lot, I've been seeing door handles for decades, shed moose and caribou is pretty common around here. It does weather but I'm not sure which elements are the chief ones. I'm betting antler and horn can be "stabilized" just like wood can though the agents may be different. I'll bet a vacc tank and the right clear stuff would work a treat. I'd suggest my old standby clear epoxy thinned with xylene but xylene is pretty toxic and a transdermal so keeping it off you is paramount. but boy howdy does it carry epoxy deeply into the target. Polyester resin thinned with acetone works the same but sometimes polyester stays gummy/tacky a LONG time. It doesn't like exposure to air while curing, a shot of spray wax helps a LOT, working on our surfboards and the boat we used Saran wrap to cover it while curing.

I'm sure it's being done finding who and how is the only trick, asking here just might be that trick eh?

Frosty The Lucky.

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