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New burner and it's disappointing... or am I worrying about too much?


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I purchased this burner and regulator from Amazon user Goede and received it well packed via Priority Mail last night.

Looking at the burner after unboxing it, I was a little disappointed in the craftsmanship but want to check in with others that know this stuff much more than me for other opinions before sending back.

My observations:

The mig tip that was used isn't centered within the chamber.  I would think that this would affect performance

view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90EuUIO1N4uWlU1X1h4X3RoVnc/view?usp=sharing

The part the the mig tip sits within has a gap against the sleeve of the pipe that you can see on the right side of the tube


Here is another view of that gap from the top.  The set screw has been filed down to allow the choke sleeve to slide over it.  

view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90EuUIO1N4uVlQ2ZW8zY2pZT0E/view?usp=sharing

The choke and the end cap were unevenly cut from the same piece of metal.  As you can see here, that's why it's leaning.  Probably won't affect performance but all of these little things add up to not so great craftsmanship.

view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90EuUIO1N4uQi1ON0xERmp2QkU/view?usp=sharing

The slidable choke has a 1.5 mm gap between it and the burner tube so there is no way to completely choke the burner.  Not sure if this is a problem or not...

Any of your thoughts or comments are welcome!

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Happy New Year,

Have you hooked it up to your Forge yet? You paid for a Chevrolet and you expect a Cadillac?

The gap at the end is not a problem, there is a set screw holding the end brass bushing in place. This center bushing can probably slide in and out to Tune it, this may as well be causing the mig tip to not be exactly in center. I think it is close enough to not affect the operation of the Burner. The Slide does need to be sealed, it is a restrictor, so you can adjust the quantity of air to give you a good burn. This is an Atmospheric Burner, The mig tip locates the propane discharge, the gas pressure coming out of the jet creates a low pressure just behind the Tip, atmospheric pressure is then higher than behind the Tip. Air is then pushed by Atmospheric Pressure to fill the low pressure area, which will mix the propane and Air together. The location of the Mig Tip is adjustable, The quantity of Air is adjustable, The propane pressure is adjustable. You are adjustable. Try it before you fuss!!


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2 hours ago, swedefiddle said:

Happy New Year,

Have you hooked it up to your Forge yet? You paid for a Chevrolet and you expect a Cadillac?

The gap at the end is not a problem, there is a set screw holding the end brass bushing in place. This center bushing can probably slide in and out to Tune it, this may as well be causing the mig tip to not be exactly in center. I think it is close enough to not affect the operation of the Burner. The Slide does need to be sealed, it is a restrictor, so you can adjust the quantity of air to give you a good burn. This is an Atmospheric Burner, The mig tip locates the propane discharge, the gas pressure coming out of the jet creates a low pressure just behind the Tip, atmospheric pressure is then higher than behind the Tip. Air is then pushed by Atmospheric Pressure to fill the low pressure area, which will mix the propane and Air together. The location of the Mig Tip is adjustable, The quantity of Air is adjustable, The propane pressure is adjustable. You are adjustable. Try it before you fuss!!


Agree on every point.  This is essentially the same burner that dave hammer describes in his you tube video and the design seems to work well (at least for me.)  Hose, regulator, and stainless steel construction all for under a hundred bucks seems like a great value.



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Excellent feedback swedefiddle & rjs.  I had a feeling I was being nitpicky -- that's why I turned to this forum for advice which I really appreciate as a newb.

The only thing besides adjustment that seems to need work is to seal the sliding choke.  Any recommendations?  

Agree that all is adjustable and seems like a good design from what I have read.  One thing that got to me I guess was communication from the seller that said "no expense was spared to engineer this product... (see below)

I bought it for the price and because it did seem adjustable.  Will do some tuning with it tonight and will connect it and fire it up.  Again, many thanks for the feedback.


I'm looking for more information on the Stainless Steel Foundry/forge Burner by Goede. 
It looks a little like a Hybrid burner. Can you tell me more about this burner? Any customer testimonials? I just finished building a small forge and was going to start on a burner but this does look interesting. 
Any more detail about it would be appreciated. 


Hi:You will find customer testimonials on my ebay site under feedback my ebay user name is insportsdan.
No expense was spared to engineer this product including hard to machine stainless steel.
We found that A flare tip does not make A noticeable difference.The tips flare on there own with repeated use.
I hope this helps you with your decision.Thanks for your interest.

--- Original message ---

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6 hours ago, uncrash said:

The only thing besides adjustment that seems to need work is to seal the sliding choke.  Any recommendations?  

Yeah fire it up and play with the choke.  You will find that there is no reason to completely choke the burner.  The point of the choke is to be able to adjust the flame across the range  of reducing to neutral to oxidizing at a variety of pressure settings.   Oh yeah watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxzdqcPzXj8ob


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Good Morning,

Don't fire it up in the open and expect reasonable results. Put it in a Forge. If you don't have a forge, make a quick Forge with a dozen Fire-bricks. The burners work best with a little back-pressure in their environment. Don't leave the ends of the Forge open and expect it to work properly. Let your Fire-Box come up to temperature (yellow/orange) before making adjustments and comparisons. Don't be in a hurry!!!  Make sure you are in a very well ventilated location, outside preferable. Byproduct of Propane Forge is C/O, carbon/monoxide, the silent killer. Makes you tired, so you close your eyes, the BIG SLEEP!!!!!!!!


Sorry, I just reread my previous post.

The slide DOES NOT NEED TO BE SEALED. It is only a restrictor, you probably will find you will leave it almost all open.

SORRY for any confusion.


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Because it's "a sow's ear" that you are hoping to turn into a silk purse. I can talk you through rebuilding it into a properly working burner, but by the time you get there, you could have built another burner from scratch. If you add the MIG tip changes to the old Reil burner you would have a better burner than that one. The "T" burner is a better burner than that one. Zoeller's modified  side-arm burner is better than that one.The fifty dollar cheap Revel's Forge burner is a better burner than that one, and it's bottom of the line.

I just loved Reagan, "the great communicator" in his role as president; he was the best "happy talker" to ever come down the pike. In politics this is useful, but living by it is a disaster. It doesn't thrill me to cut across all these other guys and shout "hey, the Emperor's got no clothes!" At the end of the day, all happy talking yourself will do is leave you empty handed; well not empty handed, 'cause you'll still have abut $26 dollars worth of regulator.

That Devil's Forge

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Love all the feedback.  

While the burner isn't engineering perfection.  I've decided that it's a great starting place and works to meet my needs in my mini-forge.

Here's a pic of it in action.  The forge is small and simple.  8" X 12" stove pipe, front has port cut into it.  Front and back are quickly removable if needed for better access with long material.  Friction fit on the burner "flare" that's too tight to let exhaust out.

Heats up small stock to forge temp in 30 seconds from cold on full blast (or so).

Works for my simple needs so far!


Thanks for the advice and guidance.


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  • 2 months later...

Have to say that the  burner works really well. Very tunable with plenty of power for my small  forge.  Haven't  gotten it up to welding  temp. Need a refractory coating in there before that may happen. Hot enough to forge a hot cutter.

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If you haven't gotten any refractory in the forge you are not giving it a fair test and are not getting good use of it.

Check out the Forge Supplies page on my web-site www.WayneCoeArtistBlacksmith.com.  There are two attachments that will help you.

Let me know if I can help you.

[email protected].

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