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I Forge Iron

Ciron, Indoor coal forge


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Hi all, it's been awhile setting up the shop but I have it all done for the most part.

Main Room, built the bench and started laying it out to put the forge in. Put in Chimney
The Chimney is actually another 3 feet taller than in this photo.

Bricking Process - Red Clay Bricks (Left overs) also used changeable kiln firebrick in the front closest to the heat so if they crack or break I can replace them.  
The Firepot was from an original blacksmith shop near a town I grew up in. It was the same place that I got the blower. The pot had some cracks in the outside rim so I made some side braces and bolted it down. I also ran a bead of weld around the corners to stop anything from getting underneath. So its not welded to the pot just the table has the weld :) 

All Setup getting ready for testing


Video of first lighting - A bit of smoking issue


All Completed now


So as you can see in the video she was a little smoky. It was extremely windy outside but I wanted to see if the wind does effect it in worst case scenario. When I cracked the window it began to suck no problem. This coal was all right from the bag too and never burnt so there was a lot of flame. Normally it is about half that so I partially think it was too much new coal all at once. This is my first "Indoor" forge so I am open to any suggestions on how to make it flow better. I really don't want to breath that every time I use it :)..

It's 8" pipe outside and 7" at the top of the forge.



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Two things I think might be a problem with the chimney arrangement.  First the flue size ideally should be about 10-12 inch diameter and second, the double elbow in the flue pipe might not provide unrestricted flow like you would like to have.

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I love the history of the fitepot.  As arkie said your chimney is going to lack flow. It wont be unusable and 90 % of the time it will be ok. Just build your fire up slow. You opened a window and that helped which is good. Gonna just have to run it and see how it goes. I have a 8 inch straight up in my shop. The times when i get smoke inside is when the fire dies down and heat goin up chimney decreases. But i just open the big door and air it out.  You dont want to breath that smoke!  Its gets hard on you. To increase air goin up and out im going put a fan in the wall to give the area a positive pressure. 

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Thanks a lot for the info guys. Once it burned for about 3 - 5 mins there was no more smoke and was going out like it should. I used wood chips to start it too so possibly another reason for extra flame. Some days I put my hand to the pipe and she is really sucking then the odd time she is not. I sealed up any outside holes to make sure it was sealed up but I guess if it has no where to pull air from them it has no reason to push it out the pipe either. It was my first attempt and I was able to get the smoke settled after a bit so maybe I will light it and step outside till she is good and hot.

Yeah all I could thinking about is all those men and women who died from breathing coal dust in the mines and got me a little nervous. I do have some coke I could try too but I believe it sparks a lot and need more of a constant flow.

JeepinJoe, sounds like we have more than firepots in common if  your into jeeps lol.
I believe the woman had said that the man had purchased the blower and firepot as a package. This is the flyer for it.


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Looks good,

although being you still have good access to the chimney (and there is not much to it) - Do yourself a favor and change it out to a minimum of a 10" pipe - 12 would be best - do it now and you'll be glad you did, Or later wonder why you didnt do it earlier. You should also do 2-45º's vs. the 90º's.

I hate to see someone go thru all that work and have to fight the small chimney opening while forging.

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