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I Forge Iron

First knife WIP


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Okay, here's the knife with the cracked section ground out. Not 100% happy with the profile, but that can be tweaked.

There's some warpage in the blade, but I'm hoping that can be diminished (if not eliminated) in grinding the final bevels.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it's done. A lot of things I'm not happy about, but I was able to grind out a lot of the warpage, fit a decent handle, and do my first electrochemically etched logo. For my first student piece, it'll do.

I will say, the balance is perfect: maybe a millimeter forward of dead center over my index finger.

This is my first knife, a modified Nessmuk made from a lawnmower blade, some bits of brass and copper from an old toilet flushing mechanism, and a chunk of curly applewood from the firewood pile. A lot of things I'm not happy about, but a lot of good lessons learned. 


Handle close-up


Electrochemically etched monogram


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I recall your other thread about this knife blade, and the issue that caused you to modify the profile. It still succeeds. I like the design of your monogram too. Hopefully this comment doesn't disappear as well when I hit "submit reply".


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  • 2 months later...

Okay, the saga continues. I've been working on the second blade in the photos above, and here it is, ground, filed, hardened, and tempered. Heated to critical, water-quenched, two hour-long cycles in the oven at 375°. Got some finishing work to do, but no warping or twisting this time.


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