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I Forge Iron

First ever show

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Well ladies and gents my first ever show has finally come and gone. I thought after harping on about it on here I had better post some pics. 

The show was in my home county of Dorset England. Called the Oak Fair, it was a full weekend and had several thousand people through the doors over the two days. Saturday was a lovely day, bright and sunny and a little too warm to be stood by a forge all day but on the whole much better weather wise than the Sunday. That said Sunday wasn't too wet and we only had a couple of showers. 

I was demonstrating and had my fiancé with me who was primarily manning the stall very well despite bing a bit under the weather. We also had the dog with us, who thought he was the centre of attention and drew in more people than anything else. 





Lots of lessons learnt and things I would change next time round. My anvil stand needs major improvement, the wooden stand was fairly light but didn't have much stability on the uneven ground.

I should have bought some bags for people to put their purchases in. In my defence I meant to, I just didn't get round to getting any in time. 

It was hard to know what to make. Items I expected to really sell well, didn't sell at all. And a few things I expected to be coming home with me sold like hot cakes. One thing I couldn't make fast enough was sets of horseshoe hearts with peoples names stamped on them. I had more than one couple ask for a set. - Perhaps in hindsight I should have charged a little more. 



I thoroughly enjoyed demonstrating on top of selling things. As you all well know - actually seeing your item being made was nice for a lot of people. My little portable forge was great. I might be tempted to make the hearth a little deeper but other than that it worked well. - I used charcoal for the weekend which I normally love but the stuff the maker provided was not the best I've ever had. It spat a lot and I've numerous burns all up my arm from the fire fleas. 



That said - I brought far too much steel and far too many tools with me. I'd prefer to travel much lighter on that front in the future. My theory was "have but not need, rather than need but not have"  - lesson learned. 

At one point I was interviewed by the local radio station which was rather cool. 


All in all it was a great weekend. I am thoroughly looking forward to my next event, where hopefully I will be a bit better prepared. 

All the best 



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Congrats on the first show!   I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown leading up to my first, you look all calm and normal in the photos!   Love the personalized horseshoes, there's someone around here that does those and he also says they sell well.  Are those little mushroom shaped things on the table drawer pulls or??

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My first "show" will be October 3rd.  Its a mad scramble now to get things done.  I am trying to have a broad range in prices and items for sale.  Its a tough trying to figure out what will sell and how many you will need.  I am trying to stick to $15-$25.00 range with items for guys, like bottle openers, and personalized Fredric's crosses (Christmas ornament size).  The event asked me to bring a gas forge and anvil....I am hoping if I bother to haul all that stuff out we have good weather; that and I hope the nearby booths are tolerant of me pounding out a few items.  Thanks for the post.


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My first "show" will be October 3rd.  Its a mad scramble now to get things done.  I am trying to have a broad range in prices and items for sale.  Its a tough trying to figure out what will sell and how many you will need.  I am trying to stick to $15-$25.00 range with items for guys, like bottle openers, and personalized Fredric's crosses (Christmas ornament size). 

I feel your pain. After the week at the Grange Fair I needed to "restock" for the craft show I was asked to attend by my township last weekend. It was a real push to get stuff done to have out on the table. Surprisingly none of the stuff that did well at the Grange sold on Saturday. the leaf key chains and Fredrick's crosses that usually sold after I made them didn't move at all. Same went for the bottle openers that did really well at the fair.


"Wall" is a 2'x 6' scrap of bead board paneling left over from a job that was already painted white. I added some legs to raise it a bit and stiffen it and a piece of hinged plywood for a stand, sort of like one of those fold out cheap picture frames.  "Table" is an old T&G bead board barn door I salvaged years ago that makes a good rustic table. The legs were scavenged last week from one of those heavy particle board tables the school was trashing. Makes set up a lot easier than 2 saw horses I'd been using.








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Senator; be sure to have  someone sitting the table and doing sales while you are forging. It is very hard to do both and sometimes can be a safety issue.

Very good point Thomas.  Thank you.  I have managed to talk both my wife and daughter into going with me for the day.  I hope to make the most of it.  I just bought one of those "square trade" card readers for the iPhone.  What does everyone use?  Of course I prefer cash, but I realize this isn't always practical.



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I use the Amazon version of that because I like Amazon, have found them easy to work with.  The last time I used it on a card a guy said, "Your reader won't read that card, they never do," but my Amazon one did.  I've tried the PayPal version, also, as well as the Square.  I just prefer the Amazon because the $$ turnaround is so easy/quick. 

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