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 I read somewhere a ball bearing dropped from ten inches will give you an estimated rebound.

  Using a tape measure anddropping from ten inches the bearing bounced between  nine and nine and a half over the entire anvil face.

  Does this mean  90-95% rebound?

   This is the possible Samson I've been asking about.  Even with the partial break the bearing bounced the same.

    The MouseholeI use daily only bounced between  five and seven inches.

 Just curious


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Yes, Rich, that'd be 90-95%. Be careful when using it to not hit the edges with the hammer. You can certainly drive hot steel on the edges but a direct blow from a "Hard" hammer face might cause it to chip. If you've ever heard hardened steel chip you probably noticed the sound, a sharp crack rather than a ping. The crack isn't the sound of the steel breaking it's the sound of the chip breaking the sound barrier.

It wont be moving that fast for more than a few feet but take into account where your femoral arteries are, not to mention the jewels.

Fingers crossed.

Frosty The Lucky.

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 Yes and thank you. I reallydon't want to use this anvil, being what it is. I'd rather see it go to a collection somewhere to be appreciated. I justwanted to check the rebound incase someone asked. Seeing the rebound on the Samson was fantastic compared to the Mousehole. Again thank you. I have a scare which is testimony to those super sonic chips. Rich

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Through your shin bone! That's a lethal projectile. Makes me cringe thinking about all the arteries in the neighborhood. With that much force I have to wonder if a leather apron would've been enough to stop it. Probably but . . .

I hope you bought a lottery ticket that day. Glad you only have a lump to remember it by. Heck, glad you're around to remember it.

Frosty the Lucky


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In a lot of cases ring isn't applicable. My Soderfors when mounted on a wooden stand has a ring that will make my ears ring through ear plugs and muffs if struck directly with a hammer while Teenylittlemetal guy has a Fisher that merely clanks when struck directly with a hammer. Both are top shelf anvils, I don't know how his rebounds but mine is in the high 90th percentile, I just eyeball rebound I don't use a scale.

Is the rebound reasonably even across the whole face? It will diminish as you test towards the tail or horn moving off the waist. This is to be expected and testing a pattern is to find dead spots though you should have heard them when using the anvil but maybe not.

I don't pay a lot of attention to ring, I trust rebound a lot more and carry a ball pein in each of our vehicles just in case something juicy turns up.

Frosty the Lucky

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How and what it is mounted on and to, makes a big difference too.  A well mounted anvil will make less noise, it might still ring loud and hard, but it will make less than if it were loose and could vibrate more freely.  A really nice wasp waisted Haybudden or Soderfors will ring quite a bit even bedded in silicon, clamped to a metal stand, a chain wrapped around its waist, with big magnets under the horn and the heel...  It will help, but it won't get rid of it all.  Just the nature of the beast, they are hard oddly shaped tuning forks.  But doing your best to deaden the ring is better than loosing all of your hearing in the higher pitch range. And Tinnitus isn't very much fun, and you should do all you can to avoid it... If your anvil has excellent rebound and very little ring you should be thankful.

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