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I Forge Iron

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I picked up 3 of these at a local pawn shop I offered $2.00 each as they didn't know what they were,  I said they looked like interesting whatsits to hang on the wall.  :)  I asked if the worked? And said that it looked like they were a part of something else. So we settled on $2.50 each. I had to imagine sucking lemons to keep the grin off my face till I was out the shop. Got home cleaned and a dab of paint and 2 bolts as strippers and they work surprisingly well. 






You may like to bring one over in your carry on bag next time you come over to the UK....Bill Gichner always had a pocketful of carbide burs to trade at blacksmiths meets!...are they all the same size or did you really get treble lucky and get a set?



You may like to bring one over in your carry on bag next time you come over to the UK....Bill Gichner always had a pocketful of carbide burs to trade at blacksmiths meets!...are they all the same size or did you really get treble lucky and get a set?



Better ship them ahead if you are going to travel.  You would never get them through airport security.


An old cartoon from a Punch magazine (uncannily) comes to mind unbidden but is vaguely appropriate on two levels...

Ticket inspector.."Tickets please"

Pompous regular traveller "My face is my ticket"

Ticket inspector, rolling up sleeves, "Very well sir, I am instructed to punch all tickets!"

See what I did there? :)


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