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I Forge Iron

more split crosses

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Thought I would try a couple of those crosses as per tutorial. The first I made from an ordinary railway spike and it worked pretty well. Then I reckoned one made from an old wrought iron spike might be a challenge and it turned out to be so. I just can't seem to make a friend out of wrought iron, although I am beginning to almost like the rough texture and laminated look of it when brushed after forging.
The cross in the middle was made from a wrought spike. I wanted to split the top section and draw the parts out to make a scroll top. The split was OK but then I finished up with a scroll that resembled an old toothbrush so I cut it off.
I made another cross and drew out the bottom section. It started to look a bit like a dagger, so I continued to make it into one. Boys are alays asking about knives and swords and I'm not into making weaponry, so it's a letter opener really.
I like the process of making these crosses and thank David for his posting of the tutorial.

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