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I Forge Iron

Suggestions on how to make this

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Im trying to recreate a 9th century lock from Denmark only problem is I cant seem to figure out how they woukd have joined the top plate to the cylinder that makes up the lock body the plue print seems to show no rivits and the ones they have found are just to far gone to peace it out was hopeing someone might have an idea.post-57246-0-12838700-1411867707_thumb.j

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I got to do a workshop with Elmer Roush not long ago, making locks. He mentioned historical finds showing copper brazing, as well as other braze metals (forget specifics) and forge welding.

Whatever you do, don't lock it until the key is made. You might think these look easy to pick, but even the simpler style I made was a challenge to open without the key...

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I claim no particular knowledge or expertise in this area, ... but based on the prevailing technology of the time, ... I would think rivets would be most appropriate.


While Brazing might have been an option available to some artisans, ... surely, the lowly rivet was more widely used.





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