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I Forge Iron

A Young Man's Reach

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Hello to everyone here at I Forge Iron. 

From early on in my life of travel and change under the parenting of an enlisted soldier and a gentle mother I have been on a search to find path of life development that will satisfy my astonishingly insatiable appetite for curiosity and learning all while still providing an outlet for my almost never drained abyssal energy stores. 

I am 23 now and have found my answer. It lies in being a blacksmith. 

I still face another problem though, and it finds its mark at my home. In my area there appears to be a very slight number of blacksmiths, likely to small a number for me to feel that I'm in a proper community of metalworkers. So here is my solution, I reach to you, I Forge Iron, and request that for at least the time being, you be my community. You all have my love either way, I hope to receive the same from you. 


James Tucker

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Great intro. 


As we suggest to others, pack a lunch and a cold drink and start reading a subject that is of interest to you on the site.


Locate a blacksmithing group and attend the meetings. You will learn more in a day than you can ever imagine.


Do a site search for TPAAAT to locate the tools you will need. The technique works.


As soon as you can, go to those most respected in the blacksmithing community and learn from them. They have the knowledge you seek.


If you have questions, please do a bit of research and then ask your question. Most likely your question has been answered several times before. Once you show people you are willing to do a little homework, they will assist you as much as possible.


Welcome to IForgeIron. Enjoy your visit and your journey through the craft.

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Welcome aboard James glad to have you. I'm afraid it's going to take a little self determination rather than a little flowery language to learn the craft. Not that we don't appreciate wordsmithing but the steel don't care, not a bit. Glenn's laid out a proven method of finding tools and equipment. If you scroll down to the bottom part of the Iforgeiron front page you'll find the regional organizations section where you'll find a club near you.


Start reading, there are all kinds of subjects some very helpful for folk just getting started, things like bladesmithing, mome made power hammers and more are pretty darned advanced so get a handle on the craft's basics before hitting the hard stuff.


Frosty The Lucky.

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