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I Forge Iron

Some pictures I took in the shop.

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Just took some pictures that I wanted to make available for folks to look at.

2005-03-21-hairsticks1t.jpg 2005-03-21-hairsticks2t.jpg

These are some copper hairsticks inspired by the steel hair stick design on ifi.net. I think they took me about 10-15min apiece, four heats/anneal cycles each, plus filing/sanding the tips.


These are some parts for a brick kiln that I'm building for some friends. They will have holes drilled for threaded rod so that they can be used to clamp the bricks together; they will also be connected in places by brazed parts to fix the whole kiln together.


Just a shop built light fixture.


In this pic you can see my setup in the garage -- the yellow barrel is full of water, and the acoustic tiles clamped to it are acting to make it difficult for the neighbors to see my setup if one of them should chance to be at home. My forge is on the table, my anvil is in the foreground, and my small anvil is on the left.


You can see the back of the garage, full of stuff. The compressor is in the wooden box in the middle.

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LOL. The "stack" is a piece of galvanized flashing that deflects hot exhaust gases from being sucked into the venturi -- that's all. Sadly. This is my first forge so I wasn't using any advanced technology :D The burner is right behind it, and it's held on with a big ol' hose clamp. I had problems with "huffing" when I was running this forge in the glass shop; there was no prevailing wind and the exhaust would go straight up and get sucked into the burner a bit. Right now I run with a fan blowing across the mouth of the forge, and I could probably get rid of the shield, but it ain't broke. 8)

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Tyler, I would love to see some pics of your glass blowing projects. I think steel and glass compliment each other quite well. I predict you'll grow up to be one of those artists that can make a living doing what he loves..

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Mike, honestly, I can only hope that that's the case. And that if it is I don't end up hating it, although from my current point of view I don't think that's possible. :D

You can see pictures of my furnace glass work here. I have made some other stuff since then that I need to take pictures of and put on the web.

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