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I Forge Iron

Rebecca's project

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Michael; This is more a matter of the dad helping on the kids project.

   On garden art I try ot keep things pretty simple as I think it would be easy to go over most of my markets budget. So the dragon fly is pretty simple, I have a narrow V block die with an opposing fullering die for the power hammer, I close up the end on a peice of pipe, then neck down the neck then forge down the tail then flatten the end and cut the claspers on the tail. The wings are just round stock flattened in fullering dies. These parts are then mig welded together. Bill Epps has a video on making insects I think he might have a dragonfly there, it likely is nicer and more traditional than what these are. It is not likely my daughter would have stuck with it on a tradtional type forging like that.

Trlistan: I am not sure how much time we have in it, as you probably know about me I try to get things done with minimal time into them, we did some of this on Christmas break and some on spring break so we have months into it just not as many hours as some might guess.

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I LOVE it Mark, give Becca my compliments. You really went to the wall on this project didn't you? You even cleaned up some floor space!


That is a nice garden piece. Next time I'm over I'll have to take a look at the tooling for the dragon flies. I'm thinking it's a very marketable piece.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks Frosty;

   You are right, probably 50% of the time in this was me cleaning enough floor to weld it. :)  Well maybe not quite, but there was a lot of stuff in the way.

    We have plans to market it but I will have to wait to see if it is accepted. If the plan does not work I think it will sell through our normal shows.

    The tooling like most tooling does not look like much. You may have to have Rebecca demo for you.

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It'd take me some time to make enough clear floor space to weld something that size up in my shop and I don't have as many tools as you do. Open floor space is the devils play thing you know.


It needs to be accepted? Does that mean it's a commission?


I'd love to have Rebecca demo for me.


Frosty The Lucky.

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We are trying to get her into a juried show.


That's super! Where will it be displayed, does the audience get a vote?


I've met very few people who take such unrestricted joy in being alive as Becca, if she can put even a little of that in her artwork she'll be a huge success. Just seeing her puts a big smile on my face. I'll give her any support I have to give.


Frosty The Lucky.

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A commitee will deturmine how it goes. I will let you know how it goes after I know.


You are right Rebecca is a very happy person, she has some unussual talents, and I think this might be in that catogory, we will see about that as well. One thing seems to be true at least in my mind she has had a number of very marketable ideas, I plan to make a bunch of componets for her to mess with (weld together) so she can make some smaller less involved items for sale. She is quite happy with this idea. I expect you will see her this summer or at the fair so you can check with her to see how she is liking it then.

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Will you be bringing Becca to the meeting? She can show us her stuff and we'll show her tricks and tips. I'm thinking of maybe bringing a little copper sheet and demoing fold forming. I'll bet she'd love fold forming, once you know the basics you can let your imagination run wild. I only know a little bit about fold forming but there's a lot online. The originator, Lewton Brain actually came up with something NEW in metal working. There's lots about it online.


Just a thought. I'll be looking forward to seeing Becca's work anytime.


Frosty The Lucky.

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I plan to be with Esther dog training instead of being at that meeting. I am in contact with some new people who might make the meeting. Hopefully someone is thinking about who we might get as a deomonstrater this year. We really should have had this finished a few months ago as most summers are busy and getting someone here in the winter could be challenging.

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I forgot about the dog training. Esther's going to love it.


Jim's been working on demonstrators Daryl is booked but Jim has been talking to others. I agree and we only talked about it a couple months ago. We should start getting demonstrators a lot longer ahead of time. I'll bring it up at the meeting. I'm thinking booking maybe a year ahead of time?


Frosty The Lucky.

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Sounds like we're on the same page on this one. It's an issue we need to do right and important enough club business to address at the meeting. If Jim leaves the room we'll vote him the officer in charge of engaging demonstrators. (Just joking . . . maybe)


Do I have your proxy to vote "Yes" on "6 months to a year advance on booking demonstrators," at the next meeting?


I think the leeway will,make it easier for demonstrators to fit us into their schedules. Not having set in stone meeting dates makes flexible scheduling the norm as it is.


Heck, if we can double the club roster we might have enough members to have meetings more often. Bi-monthly would be a nice step up.


Frosty The Lucky.

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