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I Forge Iron

Little Anvil ID

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I finally found an anvil in my general region that was of decent size. I'm going to be picking it up tomorrow. I'm told that it's 112 lbs. If anyone has any insight as to the manufacturer of this one, I'd appreciate it. One thing to note is the shape of the flat surface at the base of the horn. It is a bit chewed up but definitely usable. I'm so excited to finally have an anvil to start building my shop around. It couldn't have come at a better time, while I have a decent budget and the snow is just getting ready to melt away. I will post close-up pictures tomorrow if no one has identified it by then. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks everyone and happy hammering!


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Hello again, everyone. I picked up the anvil yesterday but I didn't get home until late as I spent most of the evening touring the area that I picked it up at. So neither side has a legible maker's mark but you can see where the weight was inscribed a bit. I weighed it on a bathroom scale and it was 112 lbs. like the previous owner had mentioned so I'm assuming that the weight markings read "1 · 0 · 6". I'm not sure what to conclude as far as the origin goes but It doesn't seem to be cast to me. I don't see any seam lines or the normal texture you see with cast iron but then again, it is probably over 150 years old. I've attached photos from all angles and maybe that help a more knowledgeable member shed some light on its origin. I do know one thing. It's my first anvil and it's going to be the first thing I forge on at the beginning of what I hope is a long road of smithing. Thanks for any insight and I hope everyone's having a great weekend. Happy hammering!









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