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Valentines gift ideas

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I want to give my other half something i have made but can't come up with a good idea. Have any of you ever come across a design that could said to be "romantic"?  A heart shape seems the obvious answer but I'm trying to think of usable objects that could incorporate the design rather than something purely decretive. 



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you could use the heart shape as the tail end of just about any hand tool instead of a ball end or a little scroll or whatnot.  if its a closed heart it would double as a hanging loop, and if designed correctly could even serve as a bottle opener  :ph34r:


iv seen some really fantastic roses from steel and copper from members here and elsewhere, those by themselves, or in a metal vase of your own construction, or wrapped around the edge of a picture frame, accent on an incense holder (uses are endless) have an element of romance without the 'direct approach' of the heart shape.  we used to make tissue paper flowers for a church event and hit them with a spray of perfume (or rosewater, or rose scent, i cant remember), you could do something similar by hiding a little piece of felt that is impregnated with a scented oil. (small piece, subtle oil, you dont want a floral grenade)


you can make some really neat candle holders with pierced copper or twisted/patterned wires around a glass cup.  let the candle light silhouette the decoration as a dark element, or let the decoration mask most of it and allow the light through the open spaces as a light element.  bonus points for colored glass incorporation, chunks of green and red can be wire wrapped and made into a mosaic rose. (jeez why didnt i think of this sooner! i might try this myself....)


if you have the time and facilities you could try a project that would foster romance rather than represent it, like a set of andirons (if you have a fireplace) or an outdoor fire pit (if you have a suitable outdoor area) to encourage an evening by the fire, or fire tools if you already have a good working fireplace.


does your significant other have any hobbies that require any special tooling?  a set of nice of handmade [whatevers] would encourage them to think of you whenever said tools are used.


dont limit yourself to tools, appliances and large items either, theres a whole other realm of gift ideas in jewelry as well.


food for thought, hopefully you find something tasty and spice it up to your needs :)

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I made my wife a ring and roses.  She accepts anything shiny also.  She really did like a very simple snake I made once.  Anything you spend time to make her is romantic because it means your thinking of her.


very true, although i do like the idea of a metal rose, i have seen them done in the past but for some reason forgot all about them until now. 

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