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I Forge Iron

2 more anvils for consideration opinions needed

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Ok on with the great anvil hunt, the feelers I put out directed me to an antique shop that had these two specimens. sorry for the crappy pics. the large Anvil is a Texas made anvil. Hardy hole is present just hard to see in the pic. decent bounce. The second is a buffalo for 125. Its pretty bad but the one flat spot it had , had great bounce. Not sure if the large anvil for 495 is a bit high. But it is in good shape with decent edges. And they will layaway.



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First Anvil looks to be a Texas Farrier Supply 125 anvil. It is a farriers anvil so your horn is not round it is oblong shape, has turning cams for turning horseshoe heels (if you are so inclined) on the back and a clip horn for making clips on shoes. The price is about half of what that anvil goes for new but if looking for an anvil for blacksmithing I think you could find better. The other one is pretty beat and would make a great door stop.


Just my opinion.

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I'm not familiar with that broken anvil's quality, and I'm a bit surprised to see the fisher-style bolt lugs on it.  Very neat.


Of the two, I'd be more inclined to buy the broken anvil simply because I detest farrier anvils.  The long skinny heel and miniscule sweet spot makes them annoying, at best.  Great if your just making shoes and need a light anvil to move in and out of a truck all day, but lousy for general smithing, in my opinion.  And they're ugly, too.


For general work, you do not need a hardy or pritchel hole on an anvil.  The horn is very handy as a turning cone, but even that can be worked around.  The condition of the one you found is decidedly poor and not worth investing more than a few dollars on, though.  You can make a better anvil by purchasing a large chunk of tool steel and making a post anvil.

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